Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 14

Two whole weeks of this nonsense! My award just turned into a trophy!

There were not enough hours in the day today to accomplish everything that should have gotten done. The house work suffered again, and at this point who cares? We move on Thursday and I don't have to do anything! I'm gonna sit on my pregnant butt all day and do what I do best, give directions! Anyways, the move-surveyor did not appreciate our untidy house and was very snobistic about the whole thing. I was feeling very pregnant and pretty rude by 4, I didn't get my nap. And told him, 3 weeks ago we found out we were moving and life has been happening since then! I was not about to flake out on some very important things to organize some paperwork. It'll get done by Thursday. And now my body is hating me. After another run-around type day, which included some cleaning and baking, and a beautiful baby shower for my lovely friend, and faithful reader Heather, I came home and cleaned. What was I thinking?! I know! I did laundry and dishes and picked up toys and shoes and instead of being my usual worn out, I'm exhausted! I still have reading to do too before I can officially declare today a success! So with that....

Day 14
Today I am thankful for my Grandparents.
My dad's parents, the Moser side, has always kept life interesting. They're always going somewhere new and exciting! My Grandma Jan taught me everything there is to know about Washington DC, St. Louis, Judy Garland, Rogers & Hammerstein, fish and many more things I am forgetting. I will never forget all the times my Grandpa Tom let me drive the boat, often detrimental to his billfold, tease us, unmercifully, and holler when we stole his candy as kids and Canadian as teens. But seriously, there was no seriousness allowed, I guess that's where I get my sometimes-over-the-top humor from.
My mom's parents, the Bookers, although I sometimes forget their last name, have always been Granny and Gramps. I have always been close to my Granny. Probably just as much as my mom. We talk almost everyday and she is one of my very best friends. As a kid I loved spending time with them. They always let me run wild and now I see how wild Kay is when she's with them. It's like there's a totally different kid in there. But my Granny always made everything fun and entertaining. My Gramps always let me do things I wasn't supposed to do either, like watch Law & Order as a kid. I would have to stay awake all night I was so afraid! He always encouraged me to read and we still pass books. I admire their faith, marriage and work ethic.
I am so thankful for all of my grandparents and everything they've taught me through the years! They're the best!!

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