Friday, November 18, 2011

16, 17 & 18

I've fallen off the blog radar the past two days. Fail. But with good reason. We finally moved.

After the inspection from hell on Monday I recruited Frank's help and by our combined efforts on Wednesday evening we transformed our mess into mover ready. Wednesday started with a trip to the baby doctor, and again I saw a nurse. Not happy. I feel like I should at least be seen once by a doctor. Yea, yea I've done this before but it's about peace of mind, right. Right? So we heard what sounded like a galloping pony in my womb. I've only gained 1 pound, which is good by my standards but the nurse said I need to gain a pound a week... I'm not so sure if I can do that, food is still gross and I'm still feeling nauseous, everyday. But the baby is healthy and I need to schedule the anatomy ultrasound today.

We had dinner with the Harpers that night, then started packing, organizing and picking up about 8. 5 & 1/2 hours later we dragged our exhausted butts to bed.

Thursday we were up early waiting for the movers and loading 4 months worth of toys, books and clothes into our truck. Two women showed up at 8 to start packing. Frank went off for doughnuts and I packed up the Kitchen Aid and my pots & pans. These women were so quick! I packed said things in the time it took Miss. Diane to pack up the rest of the kitchen. Progress in Kaylee's room was beyond fast. About 9:30, three young guys knocked on our door, movers. They jumped right in. Frank and I were definitely in the way. The floors were littered with packing materials but the corners of rooms and clear up to the ceiling were stacked with neatly packed boxes. It was a whirlwind of movement and just watching made me exhausted. At 1 two more guys and another truck showed up. Loading started and all the guys scurrying back and forth with dollies and boxes brought out the curious neighbors. Fast forward to 3:30, everything we've managed to accumulate in 2 and 1/2 years of marriage was gone. We spent an hour or so cleaning then collapsed on our empty bedroom floor. Then the baby started moving. It wasn't like the little flutter you feel at first it was like a full blown turn over and stretch out. It was so much movement Frank could feel it. We peeled ourselves off the floor and drove to our new temporary home.

Today is our last day together. Frank leaves tomorrow morning and I'm trying to hold it together. This is the first time we've had time to prepare for a separation. When Frank left for Haiti after Kay was born, we had about a 24 hour notice. That was so much easier. Compared to last time, this has been torture. He's did his last checkout this morning and is on his way home to start our adventure. Happy Feet 2 comes out today, he wants to take Kay so I'm sure we will end up there.

That means I'm running out of time and should start my thankful bit...

Day 16
Today I am thankful for Frank's friends. This is strange, I know. But when we got married and stopped partying he felt like he lost his navy buddies. He made some friends at church but they didn't hang out a lot. In the past 6 months though those friendships and more have grown incredibly. I'm thankful that he has friends to be accountable to, and to share with. And that they love him. And now I am crying.

Day 17
Today I am thankful for the Navy, yes you read that right, the U.S. Navy. Thankful that they are training Frank. Thankful they hire movers that pack for you, load, transport, unload and put back together. I'm thankful for our medical coverage and never having to worry about medication or doctor bills. Military life is synonymous with sacrifice but they take good care of us in return.

Day 18
And finally today. I'm thankful for this last day with my husband. Not having to worry about any obligations or stresses. Everything has been done and taken care of and we're going to have a fun and relaxing day together as a family.

And now, until tomorrow I'm back off the grid. See you jokers tomorrow.

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