Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 22

Another brief post tonight. Look, it's been a long few days, cut a girl some slack. I can't pull all-nighters anymore, ok well if I'm on mom-duty but otherwise, no. Sorry.

Day 22
Today I am thankful for a safe 14 hour car trip to Indiana. It rained all day, traffic was bad but we made it. You probably don't know this about me, mostly cause I suppress it, but I'm a closet-road-rager. Seriously, I get it from Troy, possibly genetic, they're still testing. Anyways, since having Kay I've managed to tone my screaming down to the occasional mumble, and head or fist shake. Ohio tested my patience like nobody's business. Listen, I'm supposed to be a sweet, laid-back Southerner but these people, who insisted on drive 45 in a 65 really ticked me off! My frustration was also fueled by my raging pregnancy hormones, which really could have been an issue because I'm already a mean pregnant lady. I also managed to avoid getting pulled over! Possibly the first time ever in the past 10 years. No car trouble, praise the Lord! since we are in desperate need of front brakes, smart, I know. But I did get the oil changed before I left, there's gotta be some sort of bonus points. I also didn't hit anything, brother, deer, another car....Winning!

So all in all a safe trip and happy to be at Granny's for a long visit. I'm just wondering how we're gonna get home, cause I am totally not driving back!

1 comment:

  1. Haha closet road-rager. You are one of the funniest people I know. And you're a really great writer. Have an awesome trip!
