Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 11

Good evening faithful readers. I hope your Veteran's Day was more relaxing than ours. Poor Frank got a reprieve from normal working obligations to get sucked into kitchen duty in our personal galley. Since Frank leaves in less than or about (we still don't know for sure) a week we're celebrating Kay's 2nd birthday a month early tomorrow night. So today we prepared for the big party. 12 hours worth of preparations mind you. Seriously, I started butchering the beef at 9:30 this morning. My to do list this morning was daunting but my husband was the hero of the day, if it wasn't for him I would still be in the kitchen. Stupid Walmart doesn't stock pre-shredded cabbage for coleslaw so Frank spent 2+ hours with the Ultimate Mandolin and 2 heads of the bless-ed stuff. Anyways, I'm beyond exhausted and I think I will be adding 'kitchen' to my list of aversions.
I had better see all you rsvp-ers tomorrow night!

Day 11
Being Veteran's Day it seems appropriate to use the freebie and be Thankful for the members of our Armed Forces, past and present. I am Thankful for my Freedom, which was not free. I am proud to be an American and military wife and sister. I am thankful for the men and women who gave their lives defending our country, and praying a special blessing over their families today and always! I am thankful for the many sacrifices our deployed soldiers make each day. I am thankful for the parents who let their children go. I am thankful for the wives and families of the service members who support their loved ones. I pray God blesses our military service members and their families.

God Bless. Until tomorrow's madness...

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