Sunday, November 27, 2011

24, 25, 26 & 27

Well... Almost fell off this bandwagon. 3 days behind... tisk tisk! Like everywhere, it's been crazy over Thanksgiving. Especially since we are 'home'. Although the majority of my family lives here I do not consider Indiana my home. I've lived longer in North Carolina so I'm claiming the South as my home. Plus is freezing up here! My Granny keeps saying, "It's such a nice day!" And I'm wearing every stitch of clothing I managed to bring along... We attempted to go for a walk the other day... I've been eating a lot of turkey and not doing a lot of walking, so that 1 pound a week is probably happening! Our walk lasted about 5 minutes (there was a strong, bitter wind)... Guess I'll just have to get on the bike in the garage and peddle those potatoes off...
Kay and I are days away from our first visit to Texas! We're so excited to see Frank! I think the really hard thing has been not seeing him... We really need to figure out skype! He's had a few days off and has buddied up with his roommate and another fleet returnee to explore the Riverwalk and Walmart. I'm praying he would find some strong Christian fellowship on base. He feels a lot of pressure to fit in. And he feels so alone. Personally, I think these guys are draining him faster than he can get filled by God's word. He's been listening to a lot of Ramp sermons, (his emails are full of Damon) and reading but I think fellowship would help him greatly. He prays continually through the day and I pray for him.  The Wednesday and Thursday Bible studies were cancelled this week because of the holiday, he's even tried going by the Chaplain's office, but he's been off base. So I'm glad it's Sunday and he can go to church!
I just discovered I'm at the very awkward stage of pregnancy when my normal shirts don't quite fit but my maternity shirts are still too big. All my normal jeans are way too big, so I'm mostly wearing my maternity pants at least I can manage to keep them pulled up. On a related note the baby has been very active! I guess s/he likes Thanksgiving as much as I do. After this week though, I'm not entirely sure what I am going to be able to eat... You've seen the list of aversions (fish, chicken, pork, eggs, pumpkin, nuts) now add bar-b-que sauce and hamburgers to it. I'm pretty much down to produce, cheese and chocolate. I'm feeling better, for the most part, lots of heart burn though (not really an issue until 8mo with Kay), I think I've only taken one anti-nausea pill since I've been here. But we've been doing so much running around I'm exhausted! Kay is so worn out by Nanny-PawPa she doesn't even move until 7. Which is really nice since we are sharing a room.
Kaylee is usually a pretty wound-up child. I'm pretty sure the only time she is quiet and acts her best is with my parents. We have let her run the house, but we are taking back control... Change has been slow, since she has reigned uncontested for the past 2 years... But 'the spank' is working. So she's always been a little on the wild side... That is until Granny's house. Oh. this. girl... She is a maniac! She just runs and hollers and sings until she crashes. My mom always used to say we were such perfect children, until we were around Granny, then we became the most unruly gang of screaming banshees. I can finally see it. Kay is so excited and Granny really lets her do almost anything she wants. Kay is having so much fun, it's hard to step in and discipline when she needs it, buttttttt I've done it. :D

Another answer to prayer, is that Frank will have some time off for Christmas! He is going to come home, since it would be ridiculously expensive for Kay and I to go there... The absolute! best! part of all is that he is going to be home in time to go with me for the anatomy ultrasound!!!!!!!! So we get to find out TOGETHER the baby's sex... Although I already have a strong feeling about it... I'm excited!

I suppose I should tell Day 19's story... I know, I know, it's been a long time coming, and I keep promising it... Lucky for you I am typing this on my new computer and not on the phone... (Black Friday specials and stories to come :)
So. I have been a little nervous about moving back in with my parents. They are great people and I love them dearly.They aren't, um, upset or turned off by our awakening, but then again, we don't really talk about it, or anything of major importance, for that matter, as a family. My dad is a huge cynic. He doesn't like organized religion. He grew up in a uber conservative church in the cornfields of Indiana... I don't really blame him. Anyways, he's pretty anti-church, and hasn't really understood our desire to go to church. So I was nervous to pray in front of them, like at dinner, or do things of a spiritual nature with them, talk doctrine, etc. A few day prior to Nov. 19 (you know, day 19) I had heard through the family grapevine, that my dad had said he felt like he needed to go back to church. I was elated to see the Spirit's work and encouraged about moving in, and hopeful that Kay and I would be able to encourage my family and the Lord would continue His work. Saturday rolled around and Frank left that morning. That night my mom and I fixed dinner and I overheard my dad tell Josh not to stay out too late because the next morning we were all going to church. I was instantly in the same room. I think I ran, I don't remember. In my mind I casually asked what and where, something to that effect, and dad said they were coming to church with me. Um ok. Time to eat. All I could think about was asking to pray over the meal. Kay, Dad and Josh were all sitting down, my mom was still fixing plates, and I'm trying to wait for her to come over to the table before asking. My dad starts to feed Kay and she starts saying "Payyy, Payyy!" My dad says, "Oh, peas?" Tries to feed her a bite, Kay says "No!" then looks at me and says "Pay Mommy." I wasn't entirely sure what she was saying, but asked, "Do you want to pRay, Kaylee?"Kay shakes her head and says Yep then holds out her hands to my dad and mom. So my dad prays over the meal. But how cool is that? Kay has not only gotten used to Frank and I praying over meals but she knows before we eat, we pray.

So I suppose I should move on to catching up...

Day 24 (Thanksgiving Day)
Today I am thankful for the day and what it means. A day to celebrate what you are thankful for and be reminded of all your blessings. A day each year that causes families to drive 14 hours to spend time together. I am also thankful for God's redeeming love and grace. And thankful that through Christ we have the ability to forgive people when they don't deserve it. I am thankful for the strength to endure the day without Frank.

Day 25 (Black Friday)
Today I am thankful for a good deal! We were in desperate need of a new laptop... Our laptop fell out of the truck during our last trip to Indiana, there was some surface damage and it worked for 2 weeks. But now it won't turn on. Pampered Chef needs a computer to work. I need a computer to waste time on pinterest properly. You know, the important stuff. Well... I dragged Josh to the Walmart in Portland, In. at 9:30 Thanksgiving night and stood in line until 12 for an onsale hp. We also managed to buy Kay way too many toys. I really liked this Little People Dance 'n Twirl Palace, on sale for $20. We made a pile and watched the surrounding madness. I wasn't sure about getting this toy for Kay until I looked up the regular retail price... $90! Um, heck yea, I was buying it! We got a few other things, like the $2.84 Waffle Iron someone was assaulted and arrested over, a mega playdoh set, you know, the essentials. Checkout: Of course I watch each item, to make sure it rings up right, then she scans the Palace. $9! What?! A $90 toy for $9?! So I am not sure what the better deal was, the laptop or Kay's Christmas present.

Day 26
Today I am thankful for my Uncle Bob. We desperately needed front brakes, and when Frank found out I was planning on driving all the way to Indiana without getting new ones, he was maddd. I mentioned the brakes to my Gramps and he made me an appointment for Tuesday at his usual place. Then my Uncle found out I needed brakes. Well! That man! He replaced them for me! Instead of paying $150, I paid $25 for new (Um, I think) shoes... (or pads... or whatever). But what a deal! And our truck is running wonderfully and now Frank doesn't have to worry about us driving home!

Day 27
Today I am thankful Kaylee naps. Oh this child is so rambunctious! We all need a few hours break. In fact, she just woke up and now I am wishing I had napped too. I'm not going to make it to 9!
I am also thankful I am not the same person I used to be. I am thankful for the Lord's transforming work and that He still is not finished with me. I look forward to growth and the next glory!

Also... I need to start and work on my list of things to do while Frank is gone and I have nothing but time on my hands... (um, sarcasm)
I have about 8 books, that I want to read, immediately.
I want to learn how to use a sewing machine.
I want to make a wreath.
I want to make Kay a hairbow/clip container.
I want to go to Ohio and visit my Aunt Lisa :) and others

And that's all I can think of for now... for the list and the post. Ah, see you again, tomorrow. And everyday until Wednesday and then I quit! I am never doing a month thing like this again!


  1. I'm glad you finally shared. ;) That is absolutely amazing that Kay did that and the way you and your family are impacting your parents. I will keep yall in my prayers!

  2. I've been on the edge of my seat waiting for your post! Miss you girls!!
