Monday, April 11, 2011

Crazy Rants

In case you're wondering, I am not as crazy as I seem. I mean sure, I show up to meetings completely decked out in pink... I typically complain about everything/one but I am far from bitter... I act crazy for myself, cause life is short. I'm mostly outrageous for the sake of my sanity. <-If your a mother you know how I'm feeling. It's so easy to worry and stress over every. little. thing! So why not have some fun? Seriously, this is gonna sound bad, but I complain for sheer comic relief. It seems like everyone is soooo worried what everyone else thinks. Um, not here buddy! I could care less if you think I'm a crazy person. Guess what? I'd agree with you! It works for me. Makes me happy and all that other important stuff. So with that being said, don't take my rants to heart. If I have an actual problem with you or whatever- it's not gonna be posted here. Stop reading now if you're gonna get hurt feelings...

I really, really have issues with being FB friends with people I don't actually know. Like if you graduated with my baby brother, I've never met you, or we never, ever (and I do mean this) got along; why are you sending me a friend request? You don't KNOW me! You might think this is an easy fix, just don't add them - then I get the awkward message, that you have so bravely sent to someone you don't know. And I feel like a rotten jerk... Ok, ok we can BE Facebook friends. Sheeesh! My favorite is when you send my husband a message asking why I am not friends with you, after all, you just wanted to share pictures of my child to a bunch of people I also don't know. Um, creeper. Or, oh! And this is a goooood one! Why, why why?!? Do you feel the need to clog up my Facebook newsfeed with junk! Like your 8th status update of the day? Really?! I'm sorry but you aren't that interesting/funny/smart or whatever else you think you are. And if you're posting high school drama - which I should never have to read (cause I am not friends with anyone still in high school, fam excluded) you should be ashamed! People don't get along, fine! But don't post about it for everyone to see! Or at least don't post it for me to see....! So I recently started blocking you people who make me want to scream from my news feed... But then I realized all my actual friends are kinda boring- don't take this the wrong way- I love to read what you & your kids are doing....but you don't post a whole lot, cause you're not on FB 24/7... And trust me- it's a good thing! But the drama posts are like a bad accident, or scary movie, you don't want to look, but you do. Like celebrity gossip. I don't care who Courtney Cox is dating now, btw it's Grayson! But I do. (<3 Cougar Town! Don't judge us- oh yes! US). Back to the point...Unfortunately your drama has become a sort of entertainment addiction. I don't spend all day on the computer, but this iPhone gives me a instant portal into your life, now that does sound creepy. Goal tomorrow? Only check Facebook 3 times. Trust me, that will be challenging.

And now reading this back, I'm only convinced of one thing.... I really am as crazy as I seem, eh, oh well!

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