Monday, February 13, 2012

Beware, positive post ahead...

In honor of turning over a new leaf and writing a more loving, and encouraging blog, I have thought of something I actually enjoy about pregnancy.
>>Obviously the baby is a pretty great thing, but sometimes it can be uncomfortable, even torturous, remember, it was just last week that I had to have my glucose screening and drink that nasty, nasty stuff.<<

Anyways, today I was texting a friend about pregnancy frustration, because really, complaining is just wayyyy more fun and entertaining, but I mistakenly stumbled on to the realization of something that I love... ready? are you sure? ok. I love wearing maternity pants! Best invention EVER! Seriously! I may never go back to wearing regular jeans! They're so comfortable and they always fit! In fact, my maternity pants fit better at the beginning of my pregnancy than my regular jeans did. You're probably thinking, duh, that's what they're for. But I lost 13 pounds from all that morning sickness and food aversions, another positive about pregnancy, if you are super sickly like me, you loose weight, and then don't gain it back for another 28 weeks! Man, I'm on a roll today with positive things! Yay! But my pre-pregnancy pants were way too big, they fit for like 5 minutes after they came out of the dryer, but then I couldn't keep them up! In fact, when shopping for maternity pants, I tried on my normal size, and they were ok, but when I tried on a size smaller they were perfect! I couldn't believe I was pregnant and buying a smaller size! And I am still wearing my smaller sized jeans! :) Happy Happy!

Anddddd... As if that wasn't enough positive for the day... >>I'm trying to go slow with the super positive things, because I know you are not used to this, but I just can't contain my excitement!<< I have been craving ice cream. Ok, maybe craving is not the right word. I want to eat it. A lot of it. That may or may not be a pregnancy thing, I'm not sure. But I know I can control the urge to eat ice cream a lot better when I'm not pregnant. Pretty much, anytime I think of having a snack, I think about ice cream.... MMMMM!!!! So. I am driving to Hampton tonight for a Pampered Chef meeting. This will be my first one back since, ummmm, September. I'm such a slacker... Anyways, I was thinking about stopping at Chick-fil-a for an ice cream cone. But since I gained all my lost weight back by my last doctor's visit, I have been eating better; more fruit and vegetables, not as much dessert. I've been walking some. I want to gain my weight, however many pounds that may be, just not more than 12, smartly and not from a box of Swiss Cake rolls and oreos like I did with Kay. So health-conscious-momma me, looked up the nutrition guide for Chick-fil-a ice cream. I also opted to look up the nutrition facts for Tropical Smoothie. I was blown away....
Ice Cream Cone 170 calories, 25g sugar, 31g carbohydrates
Tropical Smoothie, (Get up and Goji) 417!!!! calories, 96g sugar, 107g carbohydrates
I also looked up McDonald's. I never go there... But their ice cream is even healthier than Chick-fil-a's and their smoothies are basically half  the calories, sugar and carbs of TS! That's insane right?! So this momma is going to Chick-fil-a for her $1.31 ice cream! Woo!

Well, nap time ended a bit abruptly, and I have to get ready for the hour drive to Hampton to see some very fun ladies! Tomorrow is thrifting at Union Mission! Yay!

1 comment:

  1. So I was going to leave a smarty pants comment about you being nice but instead I just want you to know I'm proud of you! It's not easy and I know that, I struggle with it too. You are an inspiration to me, Rach! love ya girl!
