Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Friends! I hope you all had a wonderful day with your loved ones!

First I want to welcome, Robert MacArthur Wood!!!! My lovely friend Heather finally pushed that baby out! Au Naturale. God Bless that woman! I'm looking forward to hearing her birth story... I'm like 99.9% sure I'm getting an epidural again this time around... But maybe she can change my mind....

I've been opening a lot of Christmas cards these past few weeks. And we love getting them! Love seeing every one's beautiful family! Please never stop sending them! But I feel the need to share why you won't be receiving one from us this year. Or probably ever. I'm lazy. Not just your run of the mill lazy friend either. It seems like I can never muster up the energy or desire to upload photos to my computer from my phone or camera. Forget shutterfly. I get free print offers all the time from them, even that doesn't motivate me. In fact, I'm so lazy I probably have pictures loaded on shutterfly (who knows how they got there...) that haven't been printed off and I still don't use my free print offers. It's bad. I know. After Kaylee was born I some how managed to put together and print her birth announcements, she was born in December, they got sent out in September. Poor Baby J! Here's another example of how I just suck at these things... Frank and I had a very small wedding ceremony, like 20 people were invited, I bought some expensive and fancy paper to print marriage announcements on, and never made any further progress. There are still family members who have no idea we are married... Ok, that's a joke. But seriously, I can't bring myself to fill photo albums, let alone scrapbook. Kay's baby book is in poor shape, all I have to do is write in things but I still can't manage to get it done. Fail. And Epic Fail! I'm hoping Frank develops an interest in doing that kind of stuff, otherwise our kids are in for some major disappointment when they get older.

Christmas Eve did not disappoint this year. At 4pm yesterday I realized I never had Kay's picture taken with Santa. Lucky me, Santa was at the mall until 6. So my mom, Kay and I hightailed it up to the mall. I pulled Kay out of her seat. Then she preceded to vomit all over herself; her coat, dress, shoes, then my coat, jeans, and shoes. Of course I didn't pack any baby wipes, forget clean clothes. Who would do that? We wrapped Kay in a blanket and carried her into Macy's to clean her up. Mom and I were ready to pack it in but Kay did not sway, she wanted to see Santa and that's all there was to it. Of course, she had nothing clean to wear, so I left Kay and my mom in the bathroom and went clothes shopping. Funny thing about the holidays, they sell out of everything. Apparently. I found two things that she could possibly wear, one outfit or a pair of pajamas. I went with the outfit. Paid, dressed and walked to Santa. Kay sat on his lap but wasn't in a smiling mood. Who could blame her? I was praying she wouldn't puke on Santa, what a mess that would have been. Got the picture, turned out pretty cute. I even got the disk of the picture, sadly I'm too lazy to go find it, upload it and post it. Tomorrow, perhaps, but don't count on it. It'll make it on facebook eventually. Before March I hope. We stopped to browse the Kitchen Aid appliances on our way out of Macy's, we love us some Kitchen Aid! when Kay puked again. She managed to soak her new shirt and shoes, again, and cover the display table and floor. I mopped it up with, I don't even remember, and took her outside to undress her. Poor girl rode home shirtless wrapped in a Bear's blanket. We wouldn't have cared if she puked on it, but no such luck. We decided some Pedialite would be in order and I walked into the Food Lion as they were closing. We also concluded church was out of the question. :( After a long bath and some juice Kay looked like she felt better, so she unwrapped a few presents and we turned in early.

Today, well, it's Christmas, you can guess. I'm super excited about my present! I got my first sewing machine! I'm having some difficulty working it just right, and have to call Singer tomorrow, but I'm sooooooo excited to start my first project! I'm going to make a t-shirt quilt from all my ECU shirts! It's been a project hanging out in the attic for the past 3 years, probably time to get it started... My parents got Frank something like a power tool set, it has a saw! I'm worried. ;) Kay was spoiled, of course. She opened and played, then opened and played some more. We took a break this afternoon, then she opened some more presents after we went to see some Christmas lights. And she still has presents to open. Now. About these Christmas lights! We went to this house in Great Bridge, this guy has his own radio station, and website about the family lights! The lights coordinate with the song on the radio! It's quite a sight! That and all the cars parked in front of his house, and around the street, and people on the sidewalks taking pictures. His poor neighbors! Kay really liked it though and we drove around a bit more.

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