Monday, July 2, 2012

Like the State of Colorado, I'm burning madly

I can't hold my tounge any longer... Today I absolutely have to rant. I know Danielle is smiling. :)

In case you've been living under a rock for the past few weeks and have had no outside contact, there are something like 17 wildfires raging out west in Colorado, Utah, Montana, Wyoming and Idaho. Probably the most "news-covered" is the Waldo Canyon fire burning since June 23rd down in Colorado Springs. If you didn't know, the Springs are the number one tourist area in Colorado, with attractions including; Garden of the Gods, Pike's Peak, Seven Falls, the Cheyanne Mountain Zoo (where you can feed the nation's largest giraffe herd for $3), the Flying W Ranch, Cave of the Winds and many, many others it's not hard to guess why. In fact, the Springs have become one of our favorite spots. The fire has gained national attention because it threatens the incredibly populated city, including the Air Force Academy and the aforementioned landmarks. So there's some background information for you... On to the rant...

Like everything these days, Buckley has all kinds of Facebook pages. (Gag). There are the classifieds, families of, spouses of, play group of, and on. and on. and on. You get the idea. Of course, I am a member of several of these pages, I know, I know. But they're helpful resources for newbies such as myself. Speaking of newbies...

I get that you just PCS'd (or moved, for all you non-military) to the area, but that doesn't give you an excuse to be 1. Dumb and 2. Idiots. People are posting in these pages asking about fireworks displays for the 4th. Acceptable. Although you could just watch the news, or look it up on Google like the rest of us who are commenting on your post. My real issue lies with the people complaining that most cities fireworks displays have been cancelled/postponed. But why? They ask. Ummmm... Colorado is. on. FIRE!!!! "Oh. But I reeaaaallllllyyyyyy wanted to take my daughter this year :'( "Seriously? 30,000 people are displaced because of the fires, something like 57 people (last I heard) have been KILLED, more than 350 homes completely destroyed and you are sad that your toddler, who won't remember the fireworks in 2 days, won't be able to see them? "But we can still do sparklers, right?" What part of BURN BAN and NO OPEN FIRE, don't you get? No, really? What's so hard to understand about ((No Rain + Temperatures in the 100's + a bad Pine Beetle season (basically, they killed a LOT of trees this spring making for some excellent firewood) = Favorable conditions for fire)) ? Look, none of this information has been withheld, there are signs literally everywhere, on base, in town that say "Burn Ban in effect. No open fires. No fireworks." The news interrupts every single program to share updates. How can these people still be oblivious? Of course everytime I see these posts, my fingers itch to electronically scream at them for their ignorant, indifferent and inconsiderate comments. Have some compassion people!!

And breathe.


  1. You are right- I WAS smiling!!! And even more when I saw my name! Haha! What a crazy situation. Guess some people can't see past their own agenda. Sad!

  2. PS- when is the birthday story coming?
