Monday, July 2, 2012

Birthday Time

I know it's long over due... Poor Joel is 2 1/2 months old and without a Birthday story. He's snoozing in his swing, fat and happy. Fat in a good and healthy way! He's definitely a growing boy! But more about his stats later...

I last blogged/updated the baby watch in April. Here's a synopsis. After an active week of unpacking and celebrating Easter, and with a to-do list the length of my body (that's 5'7'', to be exact) we went to see Dr. Tate on Monday, April 9 for my weekly appointment. I had been having some contractions, but having been through 1 full pregnancy and 3 short weeks away from completing a second, I was more than familiar with those Braxton Hicks contractions. When we learned that I went from 0 cm dilated to 4 cm dilated in a week, Dr. Tate put Joel on the clock, he had one week to make his appearance naturally, otherwise she would induce me the following Tuesday. So I may have panicked. Just a bit. :)

We made some quick calls, my grandparents were driving from Indiana to Colorado to help with Kay but couldn't leave until Wednesday. My mom, who had not yet purchased her plane ticket, but was going to that evening, changed her plans to come the following Wednesday. I spent the next 2 days doing little, and going insane in the meantime. Praying I did not go into labor. At the time, we knew no one in Colorado. So no one to leave Kay with. And I did not want to be in the delivery room by myself, although, we knew if it came down to it, I would be.

Thankfully, God's timing was perfect. My grandparents drove straight through. 20 hours. Seriously. They only stopped for gas. Can we say how incredibly blessed we are by them? They arrived on Thursday and I picked up my re-prioritized to-do list. Now that my grandparents were here I was anxious to go into labor, I didn't want them dropping everything and high tailing it out here for me to sit around pregnant. I spent the next few days having little to no contractions. I was so stressed that I wasn't going into labor, I couldn't go into labor. Finally, I reliqushed to God. Will I ever learn to automatically give Him everything? I had held on so tightly trying to walk myself, drink my-Raspberry-Tea-self among other wives tales into labor. Fail.

Granny made beef roast for dinner on Sunday, it was sooooo good! And we joked it would be Joel's last meal in utero. I started having contractions, nothing new. We played cards, I was still having contractions. Strike that, regular contractions. Our bags had been packed for days, even Kay's bag. Frank fell asleep on the couch and after 2 hours of regular contractions I decided it was time to go to the hospital. We already knew I was at 4 cm, so my thoughts were, how long will it take me to get to 5...? My grandparents and I talked, I decided I was going to shower and if I was still having contractions I would go to the hospital. I woke Frank, told him the plan and to shower if he wanted. Groggy from sleep, he asked why we were going to the hospital. For what else, I asked! It's time to have this baby!!! I've never seen that man move so fast! He leapt up the stairs and was in and out of the shower and back downstairs with all the bags within minutes. A half hour later we were telling Kaylee bye and leaving for the hospital. We barely made it off base when I realized I wasn't wearing my wedding bands. I insisted we go back for them, although I know Frank was anxious to get to the hospital. We stopped by the base hotel my grandparents and Kay were staying at, and kissed her again. The front desk ladies wanted to know when I was due. Not for another 2 weeks I told them, but we're on the way to the hospital now, since I am in labor.

We got to the hospital about 10 on Sunday night. No need to valet the truck since we could park right up front and the hospital was deserted. We gathered up our bags and headed up to labor and delivery. Of course they couldn't find my pre-admission paperwork. So Frank worked on that, and I got to put on a lovely hospital gown. They checked my progress... Or lack there of. Still 4 cm, but starting to efface. (If you are a man, reading this, I'm sorry.) The nurses called the oncall doctor, which was not Dr. Tate, explained the situation and what Dr. Tate had told me last week. At this point I was progressing and the baby was coming one way or another. I was told once again to walk. Went through this when I went into labor with Kay. I did not want to have to do this again. Walk to get admitted. But with the excitement of having contractions and going into labor, I had forgotten the promise I had made to myself. There were a few other things I wanted differently for this labor too. I wanted to do it naturally. I wanted skin to skin. All things I had missed with Kay.

So Frank and I started make the loop around the labor and delievery ward. 2 hours later I was admitted, 5cm, 75%. The nurse said the on-call doctor wanted me to have a shot of morphine so I could sleep before I progressed any further. I refused. When we got settled into the delievery room and couldn't fall asleep because of the frequency of the contractions, and after asking a million questions I finally agreed to the shot. And so we slept.

That morning I woke up about 8, and had progressed to 6cm. I was in little to no pain. So far so good. Dr. Tate came to check on my progress and broke my water about 10 that morning. After I stopped pouring amniotic fluid I wanted to walk. We made it a half of lap before I couldn't bear to stand up anymore. Somehow we made it back to my room and the nurse came in to check me, 7cm. Tons of pain. She asked again about pain management. I refused. Then while she was standing by the bed, I had another contraction. "I. Can't. Do. THIS!!!!" I looked at Frank, "I'm sorry," I said, best I could "I just can't do this. I want an epidural." I was crying. I knew he didn't care, but somehow I felt like I had let him down. I guess he learned from when I went into labor with Kaylee, it's better not to say anything one way or another. Within a few minutes I was signing the papers and was given that blessed epidural. (12:45) Checked again, 8cm. This time, there was no clicker, I wasn't in control of the medication like I was when I was in labor with Kay. I could still feel pressure. Although the pain was considerably less I could still feel the contractions. It was much, much better.

 Everytime I felt pressure I had progressed another cm. Sometime around 1 the nurses called Dr. Tate (her office was right across the street) and told her Joel would be coming soon. Before 2pm I had the desire to push. I felt what they call the ring of fire (or crowning) something that I had no idea about from before. We started to push. No Dr. Tate. More pushing. No doctor. 1 contraction, they had to hold his head back. 2 contractions, they had to hold him back. The nurse said, "One more contraction without Dr. Tate and she is going to miss delivering this baby!" At this point I could care less who delivered the baby. Get your hand off his head! It's TIME!!! Enter Dr. Tate. Enter Joel David Ehbrecht at 2:13pm April 16, 2012. 8 pounds, 14 ounces and 21 1/2 inches long. He went from my womb to my chest and I got to hold my slimy, pink baby boy. Tears. Pictures. Lots of both.

 Daddy and Kay playing with the legos Joel gave her
 Joel's first bath... He looks like he loves it!
 I want to hold him!!
 We had a birthday party for Joel! I wanted a cake :) and Kay blew out the candle
 Happy Birth Day Baby Joel!

 Great-Grandparents, again
 Lolli and the babies
 Grumpy and Buck

We definitely hit the baby jackpot, again, with Joel. He's a great sleeper, and a healthy eater :) He's super relaxed and just chills. He watches his sister run around and loves when she and her little friends kiss all over him :) What a boy! At 2 months old Joel was 14 pounds and 23 3/4 inches long. 8 days later Joel is 15 pounds and 24 1/2 inches. So. He's doing a good job growing!

Life with 2 hasn't been much of an adjustment for us. Just another kid to feed, change and put to sleep. Of course we read, play and giggle lots too! Kay is a big helper, she loves her brother and asks him to play with her, it melts my heart! We just got home from visiting North Carolina for 9 days. Kay will be there until July 4, probably why you are finally getting a blog post.

 I traveled there with both children, by myself 2 weeks ago. And just want to update my rant blog about that woman on the plane from when we were going to Texas. She was traveling alone with 2 children, and one kicked my seat the entire time. I was also 6 months pregnant and had Kay on my lap, and so very, very irritated by the mother. Yea. It wasn't as hard as you made it look or sound. A few snacks, some activities, attention and a sweet little talk did the trick. Next time I fly though I want to sit in the very back row, so I don't have some pesky kids kicking my seat the entire time. That's right, I called your kids pesky!

I think that finally catches me up!!! Yay!!!


  1. holding the baby in? That's just about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Thanks for finally posting! He's definitely worth it all!

  2. Oh, yes... I forgot to add that if/when we have more children, I will not be waiting for an epidural, I'll be requesting one at week 37.

    I agree Heather! I wish the nursing student had just delivered Joel! How awesome would that have been for her?!
