Friday, June 3, 2011

Sesame Street, my morning misery

Today I'm blogging about Sesame Street. Each day, well, most days I subject myself and expose my child to an hour of furry singing monsters. And while programming for adults has gotten better throughout the years, Sesame Street has suffered.

Gone are the days of the Count, and the Grouch and my absolute favorite character, the Cookie Monster. Replaced by a rapping Murray who has a pet lamb. Eh, he's average. But what about Big Bird and Snuffy? What happened to them? I can appreciate Burt and Ernie coming into the modern ago with claymation, but somethings are better left alone. Plus I thought they were politically incorrect?

And to fill the airtime? Almost 30 minutes of Elmo's world. I like Elmo in small doses. Very small. My other complaint is the kids they have introducing the next segment, they all have speech impediments. Now if I actually listened to whoever says not to let children under the age of 2 watch tv, I might not mind. But I don't, so I take issue. I'm also not impressed when Elmo talks about himself in the 3rd person, why? He's like 40 years old, you would think he would've grown up just a little bit!
The counting, alphabet, whatever ... is great but please, have good grammar and please, please annunciate!

Maybe I'm not in the loop yet about good kid programming. I know it's not Sid the Science kid. I can't make it through the opening song. But there's got to be something I can tolerate for the next few years.... Right? Right?

1 comment:

  1. Just don't let her watch Dora the Explorer.....that show drove me crazy!
