Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Little Lessons

God finds the smallest ways to teach me each day. Last week, Kay's morning nap time came and went without so much as a yawn but then it was like a switch, she was exhausted. I tried every trick in the book, nothing worked, she couldn't calm down. This went on for 2 hours. Story reading, rocking, laying down together, and so on. Back story**After a few days of baby mood swings the week prior, we came to the conclusion she's cutting teeth. ***
Again, I wrote her behavior off as teething. But I was so eager to get my quiet time in during nap time I was determined to stop at nothing. So on, and on Kay struggled until I finally gave it over to God. My prayer was simple, patience for me, and comfort for Kaylee. Less than 2 minutes later Kay was in such a deep sleep I didn't have to sneak out of bed. Immediately I was humbled. All I needed to do was ask. Point taken, thank you Lord. I thought my lessoned ended there, man what a joke. I quickly sat down and read, and read, and read. I wrote, and prayed, and opened my eyes to find little Kaylee toddling around the corner. Perfect timing, His perfect timing. Got it, Lord!

I often find myself learning these little lessons. Like on being submissive. Oh do I struggle to be submissive to Frank. I don't often listen, Frank would readily agree with that statement. But I've found if I let go of the little things, they work out my way anyway! Frank changes his mind, realizes I was right, duh, and we do things my way (or closer to my way) all without an argument! Now, you know me, and my husband, so you know this is a pretty big deal for us to agree without having to duke it out first. But how amazing is God? It's those little times when I hear the Holy Spirit telling me to be submissive and I obey that confirms to me in the biggest ways that I should submit to Frank as head of the household. Luke 16 says, if you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful large ones. So all these little opportunities to be faithful to His will must be practice for the big things. What an amazing God we serve!