Thursday, June 16, 2011


I'm at complete and total loss as what to do without Kaylee! My house still isn't clean, I haven't packed any boxes, I haven't grocery shopped, I have zero motivation without my little girl's company. Who let's their kid go to Vegas anyway? I miss our morning snuggles, our standing lunch date, my very small nap-time window to get things accomplished. Here is my chance to get all those things done, but nada. The thought of leaving the house without my shopping buddy is unbearable. Talk about having mommy anxiety! This is ridiculous! Kay comes home in 2 days and I have so much to do! And here I sit, blogging. Ok, ok, I'll try to get motivated. Otherwise, I'll be back shorty.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Little Lessons

God finds the smallest ways to teach me each day. Last week, Kay's morning nap time came and went without so much as a yawn but then it was like a switch, she was exhausted. I tried every trick in the book, nothing worked, she couldn't calm down. This went on for 2 hours. Story reading, rocking, laying down together, and so on. Back story**After a few days of baby mood swings the week prior, we came to the conclusion she's cutting teeth. ***
Again, I wrote her behavior off as teething. But I was so eager to get my quiet time in during nap time I was determined to stop at nothing. So on, and on Kay struggled until I finally gave it over to God. My prayer was simple, patience for me, and comfort for Kaylee. Less than 2 minutes later Kay was in such a deep sleep I didn't have to sneak out of bed. Immediately I was humbled. All I needed to do was ask. Point taken, thank you Lord. I thought my lessoned ended there, man what a joke. I quickly sat down and read, and read, and read. I wrote, and prayed, and opened my eyes to find little Kaylee toddling around the corner. Perfect timing, His perfect timing. Got it, Lord!

I often find myself learning these little lessons. Like on being submissive. Oh do I struggle to be submissive to Frank. I don't often listen, Frank would readily agree with that statement. But I've found if I let go of the little things, they work out my way anyway! Frank changes his mind, realizes I was right, duh, and we do things my way (or closer to my way) all without an argument! Now, you know me, and my husband, so you know this is a pretty big deal for us to agree without having to duke it out first. But how amazing is God? It's those little times when I hear the Holy Spirit telling me to be submissive and I obey that confirms to me in the biggest ways that I should submit to Frank as head of the household. Luke 16 says, if you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful large ones. So all these little opportunities to be faithful to His will must be practice for the big things. What an amazing God we serve!

Monday, June 6, 2011

A genetic disorder

Sometimes I worry about offending people. You know, like the blog, Facebook posts and comments, pretty much everything I say, almost everything I think. But then my real self kicks me in the face. No, I don't. Reasoning, go.
1. It's my sense of humor. It's for the reaction and any and all comedic relief.
2. I'm mean. I actually prefer the not nice description... She's not mean, just not nice.
3. Someone else, not me, is too nice. And they can't bring themselves to be honest. To these nice people I say, move out the way sister, let me tell you how it goes.
4. You deserve to be made fun of. You probably did something stupid and now I have to laugh at you. Not my fault.
And, 5. My most compelling argument. I was raised this way. I'd say born but my momma is a saint. I blame my dad. The man has NO filter. Here's a little proof. On the way to Texas, a woman a few rows back was smacking her gum. Side note: Dad has super sonic hearing, like when we were kids we were never allowed to have chips when he was home because he could hear us crunching 2 rooms away. It goes without saying but, gum was strictly forbidden. Ok, back... So my dad spent the entire time he was awake turned around in his seat glaring at the woman. Finally we land and my dad had decided he must say something to this lady. Now Troy being the loving person he is not has perfected his method of being insensitive and speaking his mind. For the gum chewers he will tell them they look like a cow chewing cud. Sometimes, he'll shorten it and tell a woman, chewing gum makes your face look fat. Or, just fat. Well in this particular instance, after hearing the lady chomp for the better part of 3 hours, had put my dad in a very sour mood. So while waiting to deplane my dad starts telling this woman how smacking gum is rude, annoying, unpleasant, unsanitary, and on. And on. This poor lady was so shocked the gum fell right out of her mouth, the 2 flight attendants were doubled over trying not to laughing, and me, hand over mouth, praying it would be over soon. Then my dad, as if I wasn't mortified enough, says to me, "Right? Rachel? Isn't that gross?"
Oh. My.
Obviously this is some kind of genetic disorder.

But, I say it all to say, if you don't like what I'm writing, don't read it. Seems pretty easy to me. It is what it is, so don't subject yourself to my ramblings if you're going to be offended.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Sesame Street, my morning misery

Today I'm blogging about Sesame Street. Each day, well, most days I subject myself and expose my child to an hour of furry singing monsters. And while programming for adults has gotten better throughout the years, Sesame Street has suffered.

Gone are the days of the Count, and the Grouch and my absolute favorite character, the Cookie Monster. Replaced by a rapping Murray who has a pet lamb. Eh, he's average. But what about Big Bird and Snuffy? What happened to them? I can appreciate Burt and Ernie coming into the modern ago with claymation, but somethings are better left alone. Plus I thought they were politically incorrect?

And to fill the airtime? Almost 30 minutes of Elmo's world. I like Elmo in small doses. Very small. My other complaint is the kids they have introducing the next segment, they all have speech impediments. Now if I actually listened to whoever says not to let children under the age of 2 watch tv, I might not mind. But I don't, so I take issue. I'm also not impressed when Elmo talks about himself in the 3rd person, why? He's like 40 years old, you would think he would've grown up just a little bit!
The counting, alphabet, whatever ... is great but please, have good grammar and please, please annunciate!

Maybe I'm not in the loop yet about good kid programming. I know it's not Sid the Science kid. I can't make it through the opening song. But there's got to be something I can tolerate for the next few years.... Right? Right?