Monday, February 27, 2012

A change of thinking

So if you remember from my post at the beginning of the month I talked about being convicted about my bad-attitude-blog. I've been meaning to post more about it ever since. Today is the day. Since Frank is gone and we don't get to spend a lot of time together talking we started reading the same chapter of the Bible. We've been pretty consistent to read each day. So far we've read through 1, 2 & 3 Peter, 1, 2 & 3 John. Today we are reading Jude, then I think we're going back to some of Paul's letters.


In November, when I started posting more regularly, my ranting, raving blog became a semi-small topic of conversation each day. I sometimes ranted about other's thankful posts, and I usually asked Frank to read it before I posted. Since I'm generally a non confrontational person I wanted to walk a thin line between comical and truth. One day I wrote a post about something that had irritated me and shared it with Frank. Although it was entirely factual, it was not very positive and Frank pointed that out. After some discussion I decided not to post the rant. Since then I have had other moments of hesitation about posting something because it wasn't encouraging. Then at the beginning of the month Scott referenced a passage in 1 Peter during his sermon. I felt the Lord's leading while reading and it sparked my desire to read through all of Peter's letters, so that's when Frank and I started reading a chapter a day together.

Day 2 of reading, brought me (obviously) to 1 Peter 2. Verse 1; Get rid of all evil behavior. (uh oh) Be done with all deceit, hypocrisy, jealousy and ALL UNKIND SPEECH. Is it all capped in your Bible too? Maybe a printers error? Hmmmm... Maybe it's just how I read it... But there it was. The Lord is calling me to be DONE with all UNKIND speech. Now I have read several passages about being encouraging, most of them are marked in my Bible, and they are powerful and convicting, but nothing was as convicting as 1 Peter 2:1. So clearly I could not deny that through my blog I have participating in unkind speech. I also knew that it was not just my blog that needed to change but my thinking...

Romans 12: 2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

So needless to say it has been a 'learning' month for me. God has continued to transform my thinking and show me other areas in need of regeneration. During my weekly meeting with my mentor, I mentioned this conviction, the more we talked about this, the more clear my sin of pride became. I was judging others for their short comings and not considering the plank in my own eye. (Matt. 7:3-5)

Romans 3:23 For everyone has sinned; we ALL fall short of God's glorious standard.

And if I've learned anything this month it's; what the enemy intends for evil can be used for God's glory. James 1:15 These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death. So let me explain a little better. My testimony is the complete and utter opposite of my church friends (I was not saved at 3, I did not go to Christian schools or college, I did not meet my husband at church, among other things). I feel no shame for the sins I have committed because I have been redeemed by the Blood of Jesus! However, I haven't share the details of my past with these ladies because I thought they would judge me, or think less of me in some way. But I realized, although I have been freed by these chains of sin and shame being quiet about my sins is not pleasing to the Lord! He deserves all the GLORY for bringing me out of a life of sin and darkness and how can He receive any glory or praise when I am silent?! I also realized that in my blog, I am not extending grace to those who still need Jesus' forgiveness. And my actions could be keeping others from holiness, and/or forgiveness... Not something I want to do!

Some other notable growth/realizations...
Inspired by One Thousand Gifts (although I have not read this, yet) I have been more consciously thinking of things to be thankful for. Like the other day I couldn't find a parking spot at the hospital, so after getting yelled at for 'stealing' someone's space (I relinquished said spot, lots of crying and missing of Frank ensued) I parked wayyyyy out in overflow parking. I had a pity party during the mile long walk into the hospital, as I was 31 weeks pregnant, had to pee, and was pulling along Kay (who kept trying to stop to pick every kind of weed and flower.) So I wasn't feeling very thankful, but on the way back to the truck I realized what I beautiful day it was, and I was thankful it wasn't raining. This opened the flood gate to several things I had to be thankful for, including, but not limited to; unexpected exercise, a pleasant child (who walked there and back without asking once to be picked up or complaining), still being pregnant, an overall healthy child, a good doctor's visit for Kay (she let the doctor examine her without throwing a fit!), free doctor's visits and free prescriptions....

This past week when I met with my mentor we talked about the promise God gives us in Phillippians 1:6 And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. So we were talking about this period of growth for Frank and I as we are apart, and all the things that God has been doing to prepare us for our move. And I realized that while I trust that God is doing this in me and for me, that I don't fully believed it over Frank. I have felt like I had to encourage Frank to read, and seek fellowship so that He could grow Frank. (I hope this makes sense). And eventually this will be true for my children as well. I can show them by example my whole life, but in the end, it is God that has to complete His work in all of us. So I surrendered my desire to control Frank's walk. (I know this sounds silly, but think about it, if your husband is not walking as closely with the Lord as you would like, don't you try to encourage him?) I am trusting that Frank will be prepared to lead our family in Denver, just as the Lord has intended, and I am attempting, once again, to be submissive to my husband.

Here's how wonderful the Lord is... That ^ was Thursday. I have been praying for Frank to find fellowship with other believers since before he left back in November. On Saturday, Frank texted me, a friend of a friend, George, texted him and invited him to some kind of Christian rally. Later I found out that it was a Bible study. Frank also told me, he finally prayed for himself to find other believers there in Texas. Instantly after praying George texted him. I'm crying now as I think of how faithful the Lord is! Frank had a great time too and even had lunch with some people from the Bible study on Sunday!

Catching up

My, the last two weeks have flown by! Only 3 more until Frank comes home and we make the cross country drive to Denver. I never thought it would actually happen, the move to Denver, that is. I never imagined living some where other than Virginia/Carolina. I'm desperately going to miss living in the South. I can't even think of saying good bye to my family or our friends. But at the same time, I'm excited. Excited for a new adventure, for our own space, to get involved with a new ministry and just see all the amazing things God has for us.

This also means we're two weeks closer to becoming a family of 4. Officially. We already consider us '4' but to hold our little boy will be so amazing. I've survived 31 more weeks of pregnancy, so Lord willing, 9 more to go. This also means I have spent 71 months (oops! I mean weeks!) and 4 days of my life being pregnant. Hmmm...
In other baby news, we picked out a bedding set and theme for J's nursery. We're super excited about setting up his room! I am going to attempt to make some of the decorations in the next 3 weeks. We'll see how that goes. This pregnancy almost doesn't seem real to me. When I was pregnant with Kay I focused my limited energy into all things baby, shopping, preparing, and cleaning. So far we haven't bought many things for J or put a lot of thought into his arrival. For a few reasons, 1. We didn't know where I was going to have the baby. 2. We didn't know how we were getting to Denver, if we flew we wouldn't be able to bring a whole lot of things. 3. We don't have anywhere to put it, there is no nursery to prepare. But now that things are getting sorted out I have started to shop around for a few things.

Yesterday, I bought a green Bumbo seat off Craigslist for $10. I had been considering purchasing a second seat, we have a pink one, but everything I have seen on Craigslist has been around $20. Which is ok, but that's only half price. One day I randomly checked again and found this one for $10, so I jumped on it. This morning Kay saw it with some other stored things, and said Baby J's seat. It was really cute. Lately, when she finds things for the baby she says they're hers. I have been correcting her, because I want her to get used to the idea that there is another person coming. So today was the first time she recognized something green as not hers. I also found a Jeep Double Stroller on Craigslist for $30. I have been looking at double strollers for weeks, but all of them are over $100. For $100 I could practically buy the matching patterned stroller for all our Graco gear. At least that what I had thought. Then I tried to look up the matching stroller only to find Graco has discontinued our pattern. :/ I seriously emailed the woman selling the stroller within a few minutes of her posting the listing, we pick it up this afternoon.

I started to sew on the ECU comforter again last night. I got 2 rows sewn together, I'm hoping to sew the rest today. I also picked up a can of spray paint and hooks for a bow holder for Kay so I am going to do that project this week too. I still need to get a few things to completely finish that project but I can sand and paint in the meantime. Pictures to come as I get some things completed!

We spent a few days in Atlantic City seeing my brother and sister-in-law. Traveling anywhere with Troy (my dad) is adventure in and of itself, so we laughed. A lot. A few highlights, included my dad getting asked on a 'date', and him being spoon fed dessert by our waitress (the video I took is Youtube worthy!). Of course it was great to see Nick and Lisa and her parents (they drove down from New York on their way to Florida).

 Happily watching Beauty & the Beast

 Being spoiled by Grumpy

With Uncle Nick

 Kay loved Blueberry Saltwater Taffy

 Kay climbed through the red ropes to touch the sand :)

 Waiting on the Cape May Ferry

 Picnic lunch on the Ferry

Kay and Mommy (30 weeks) 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Our Sweet Day

So. Today is Valentine's Day. Not a great day to be 1,600 miles from my husband, but it is what it is. I learned early in our marriage, that 'holidays' are just another day. We were married on Mother's Day. We spent our first Christmas together at CHKD with Kay hooked up to an IV, she was 14 days old. We spent the next month apart too, Frank was in Haiti, part of the disaster relief after the massive earthquake. (Missed that Valentine's Day as well). This past year we spent his birthday, Thanksgiving and Kay's birthday apart. So today was just another day, one more day to mark off the calendar, one less day until we are all together again. We suprised Frank with a 'Valentine's Day' present... I got both of these mugs free with that Shutterfly gift card from Christmas! They were discounted on Shutterfly, so I was able to get 2, with chocolate and 2 5x7 prints for $30, (free shipping at $30) so I opted to spend $10 on 'stuff' instead of shipping. I thought it was a good deal. And now that Frank is a coffee drinker, he has a very special mug to use! And he loved them!

We all got a pretty great present today, though. I found out this morning that we are going to get into base housing in Denver! They have a home, with our favorite floor plan, available March 1! We won't be moving in that early, but it's nice to know we have a home to move into. We are praising the Lord for His provision! The woman at the housing office is really helpful, we've never lived on base before so we're not really sure how the money works or about having our stuff delivered. We receive an allowance for housing, and with base housing our rent payment gets split between checks. Our rent is going to be prorated so we don't loose all of our money for March, which is good to know. Also, and this is the best part! Carla said we can give our address to the movers and tell them what date we want it delivered, so basically that means we are not going to be moving into an empty house! Our stuff will get there when we do, another huge and amazing blessing, since it can take up to 30 days for our things to be delivered! Here's the floor plan! We are so excited! It's like 600 sq. feet bigger than our last apartment, and... we have a garage!

I was driving to the thrift store when I called the housing office this morning, and after I got off the phone I was screaming I was so excited! Kay was laughing and hollering too. As if that wasn't enough to get excited about, Kay and I had a fun and profitable day out. Kay got another book (of course), 2 shirts (no pictures, they're in the dryer) and we got something really fun for Baby J... Our total for the day was $5. The horse was $3! When we got home I got it all cleaned up and it looks pretty decent, especially when you consider a brand new horse is $40! I think 93% off is a pretty great deal!

We had lunch with our shopping buddies, Danielle and Charlotte. Free lunch since I used my last Q'doba groupon, well, free today! Then came home, getting Kay to sleep was a chore. I took her for a walk, thinking she would fall asleep in the stroller while I got my exercise in, but no. Then I tried to lay down with her for over an hour and nothing. After being left in bed, not allowed to get out, and crying she finally laid down for a nap at 4, of course, I had to go back in and lay down with her. She is not ready to give up her nap, she can't make it all day without a major meltdown, and I'm definitely not ready for her to give it up! I need some time to get my things done! Like clean the horse, call Carla, and write my blog. See, important stuff!

Last night at my Pampered Chef meeting I was so blessed by my friends! They put together a basket of wonderful things for our new baby! Blaine, my director, even made(!) him bibs! She's so crafty! Ignore my messy room!

Over the weekend I worked on my ECU blanket. I made a frame as a pattern for my shirts, marked each one, then cut it out. Then I arranged, rearranged, and re-rearranged my shirts until I got it perfect. I started sewing the first column on Saturday night. On Sunday I sewed the rest. Since we are leaving in the morning for Atlantic City to meet my brother I probably won't sew again until Saturday. I'm enjoying it, but there are times when I think, buying an ECU blanket would have been wayyyyy easier. Ironically, the first blanket I ever made (knitted) was when I was pregnant with Kaylee. This is number 2. 

Well... I still have to pack for our mid-week getaway to AC! Great place for an ex-gambler, non smoker, and non drinker, but looking forward to seeing my brother and sister-in-law!
Have a great night!!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Beware, positive post ahead...

In honor of turning over a new leaf and writing a more loving, and encouraging blog, I have thought of something I actually enjoy about pregnancy.
>>Obviously the baby is a pretty great thing, but sometimes it can be uncomfortable, even torturous, remember, it was just last week that I had to have my glucose screening and drink that nasty, nasty stuff.<<

Anyways, today I was texting a friend about pregnancy frustration, because really, complaining is just wayyyy more fun and entertaining, but I mistakenly stumbled on to the realization of something that I love... ready? are you sure? ok. I love wearing maternity pants! Best invention EVER! Seriously! I may never go back to wearing regular jeans! They're so comfortable and they always fit! In fact, my maternity pants fit better at the beginning of my pregnancy than my regular jeans did. You're probably thinking, duh, that's what they're for. But I lost 13 pounds from all that morning sickness and food aversions, another positive about pregnancy, if you are super sickly like me, you loose weight, and then don't gain it back for another 28 weeks! Man, I'm on a roll today with positive things! Yay! But my pre-pregnancy pants were way too big, they fit for like 5 minutes after they came out of the dryer, but then I couldn't keep them up! In fact, when shopping for maternity pants, I tried on my normal size, and they were ok, but when I tried on a size smaller they were perfect! I couldn't believe I was pregnant and buying a smaller size! And I am still wearing my smaller sized jeans! :) Happy Happy!

Anddddd... As if that wasn't enough positive for the day... >>I'm trying to go slow with the super positive things, because I know you are not used to this, but I just can't contain my excitement!<< I have been craving ice cream. Ok, maybe craving is not the right word. I want to eat it. A lot of it. That may or may not be a pregnancy thing, I'm not sure. But I know I can control the urge to eat ice cream a lot better when I'm not pregnant. Pretty much, anytime I think of having a snack, I think about ice cream.... MMMMM!!!! So. I am driving to Hampton tonight for a Pampered Chef meeting. This will be my first one back since, ummmm, September. I'm such a slacker... Anyways, I was thinking about stopping at Chick-fil-a for an ice cream cone. But since I gained all my lost weight back by my last doctor's visit, I have been eating better; more fruit and vegetables, not as much dessert. I've been walking some. I want to gain my weight, however many pounds that may be, just not more than 12, smartly and not from a box of Swiss Cake rolls and oreos like I did with Kay. So health-conscious-momma me, looked up the nutrition guide for Chick-fil-a ice cream. I also opted to look up the nutrition facts for Tropical Smoothie. I was blown away....
Ice Cream Cone 170 calories, 25g sugar, 31g carbohydrates
Tropical Smoothie, (Get up and Goji) 417!!!! calories, 96g sugar, 107g carbohydrates
I also looked up McDonald's. I never go there... But their ice cream is even healthier than Chick-fil-a's and their smoothies are basically half  the calories, sugar and carbs of TS! That's insane right?! So this momma is going to Chick-fil-a for her $1.31 ice cream! Woo!

Well, nap time ended a bit abruptly, and I have to get ready for the hour drive to Hampton to see some very fun ladies! Tomorrow is thrifting at Union Mission! Yay!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A whole lot of busy...

It's so hard to believe it has only been a week since my last post. Looking back it feels like at least 2 weeks worth of activities. I guess that explains why I am exhausted. Besides a lot of things going on around me, a lot has been going on in my quiet time as well. Frank and I have been reading through 1 Peter, and I have to tell you I have been so convicted about my bad-attitude-blog. I have a lot more I would like to share about why, but my note book is being guarded by a sleeping toddler, so more on that another day.

So last week Wednesday, Kay and I met Sharise outside Elizabeth City for lunch. We spent a few hours catching up at Andy's and sharing how the Lord has changed our lives :) Sharise left this weekend for Peru to start Spanish school, and in 6 weeks she will start Missionary School. So keep her in your prayers. We visited the local Walmart to pick up a few ingredients for Daddy's care package. I also got Kay a new ball, which she chased around until dark when we got home. She was kicking it everywhere... I'm thinking little kickers soccer...

Not too much to report from Thursday.

Friday afternoon I had an OB appointment. This was a little sad for me, as this was the first baby appointment I have ever been to alone. Frank went with me to all of Kaylee's and Baby J's thus far. I have officially gained back all I weight I lost in the first trimester, and then 1 pound. I gained a total of 6 pounds in 6 weeks. 6 pounds?! I was not a happy girl. Two-a-days started Saturday morning... For those of you who don't know what that means, it means 2 workouts a day. So in pregnant lady terms, that means 2 walks a day. And no dessert. Ok, ok, a little dessert. I'm contemplating counting calories as well, as I absolutely do not want to gain another 12 pounds in the next 12 weeks. I also saw another nurse practitioner. I am about fed up with not seeing a doctor. I noticed in the middle of my glucose test, that when the NP updated my chart with the ultrasound findings, my expected due date, is April 21, not the 27. So I did not get the chance to ask if they are updating my due date. I also noticed a note "anterior placenta". After some frantic texting to Dr. Turner, I learned that an anterior placenta is not a big deal. There is no risk for placenta previa, no risk for baby or me. Again, something I would have liked to ask questions about, but not given a chance. We may be switching to 'standard' quicker than I anticipated.

Saturday we spent cleaning and cooking. Eh.

Sunday all the girls went to church. We spent the afternoon cooking and getting ready for the Super Bowl. Granny and Grandpa arrived about 6, and they promptly unloaded Kay's horse. Our Super menu is posted on Ehbrecht Eats. Below is Kay's church attire. The scarf was her personal addition.

I spent Monday morning in the kitchen baking for Frank's care package. I made a half batch of Oatmeal Raisin cookies. I'm waiting to post that recipe until I find out if they're Frank tested, Frank approved. I don't eat raisins, so I was not about to judge for myself. I made a normal batch of Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies, because I knew everyone would eat them up. I also made the best banana bread I have ever eaten, Reese's Peanut Buttercup Banana Bread. Seriously, it is not just a pregnancy thing. So delicious! Frank got his care package today, and said he would not be sharing his bread with anyone. On a side note, I finally finished off the gia-normous canister of oatmeal, so I can make Kaylee's headband holder  :)

We mailed Frank's package Monday afternoon. And stopped in the local thrift store. I found a Snow White doll that Frank and I had considered buying at the Disney store, it was $15 in store. I picked up Kay's new dolly for $1.75 at Brother's Keeper. After a cycle through the washer and dryer, Kay toted White around like a long lost friend.

Tuesday we spent Thrifting. I'm addicted. We are seriously going to have to pull a trailer all the way to Denver. It's ridiculous. ;) My total for the day was just over $28. And that includes 3 pairs of pants for a friend's little girl :)

Union Mission:
1 pair of pants for baby C.
1 Taste of Home cookbook 1999
1 children's book
1 children's snow shovel - so Kay can help Daddy
1 frame for another Pinterest project (bow holder 2)

Coast Guard Exchange
2 Ralph Lauren skirts for Kay (5.64 ea.)
1 pair of girl's Columbia fleece pants (2.94)

Salvation Army - All green tags were 50% off and I got a 25% Military discount on everything
2 Navy workout shirts for Frank
2 pairs of pants for Kay
2 pairs of pants for baby C
1 shirt/dress for Kay
2 children's books

I actually hesitated to buy the clothes at the CGX. I did not want to pay $6 per skirt! But Kay needs some spring-time clothes, especially if it's going to be in the mid 60's the rest of February and March! I want to make her a few dresses, so I'm thinking about a trip to the fabric store soon....

Speaking of Baby J, my grandparents delivered his first nursery decoration, I'm so excited to share it!

Today we just kind of hung out, played cards and relaxed. Frank got his care package today, like I said, and all his classmates made fun of him because I sent it in a Pampered Chef box. But he was excited and I hope it encouraged him! Kay drew him a lot of pictures and we also sent her first painting.

Tomorrow, we are heading to Greenville to meet brothers, Matt and Josh for dinner. We are celebrating Josh's birthday, that means finishing the birthday cake in the morning. We are meeting Maggie, Matt's new girlfriend. I am going thrifting, again. Matt found a purple ECU shirt I can have for my quilt, so I only need 1 white ECU t-shirt, then on Friday I can start cutting! I'm so excited! I've been looking everywhere here, but no luck. I figured I'd have better luck in Greenville :)

I hope to post again later this week about my blog's spirit lift :) Be Blessed!