Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 6

Now that I'm posting everyday I think my audience is dwindling by the second. I don't blame you. It sucks to read the same person's rantings each day. And who wants to read a bunch of complaints everyday? Personally, I would never read this blog. I do cause I have to re-read what I'm ranting on about but if you're following along, sorry I'm such a Debbie Downer. I actually don't think of myself as a Negative Nelly, but I could easily see how someone else would. Really, I like to think of myself as a Realistic Rachel, and if you know me, I think you would agree. I'm not a complainer by nature, actually quite the opposite. Typically I closet my bad attitude and only let my rantings shine to like-minded people, them and family. I never take myself too seriously. And if I have something negative to say, I blog about it. (It's just too hard not to say anything.)

Day 6 has a lot of people slacking off and others still joining the bandwagon. To all of you, I have to say, it's practically been a week people! You check facebook everyday! How hard is it to write a 5 second post? Or, depending on your situation, how are you just now deciding to join in on the fun?! I also find it just a little, um, irritating that you are just today expressing thankfulness for God! It's been 6 days people! He created you! Come on! I just don't get the lack of order. It seems like common sense that you would list things according to what you are most thankful for. Am I the only one that is thinking like this?

I've also noticed that there are no men participating in this month's activity. (Can't be a game, there is no winner, or so I'm told.) And now I'm jealous once again of men in general... You don't get the mass messages to participate in those stupid and ridiculous "what color bra you're wearing, or where you leave your purse" activities... Ah... to be a man... Siiiiiigh.

The word ridiculous reminds me of my another rant for today. I hate bad spellers. I am one of them. I really am. I have to ask Frank how to spell things all the time. I refuse to write things long hand because it takes me at least 2 tries to get tough words right. So, with that being said. How hard is it to spell check? Like if rediculous doesn't look right, check it! And definitely, people can't spell definitely. If you can't spell it, use another word! I also um, hate, how people comment on misspelled things, other posts, comments or words in the pictures and then they make a spelling mistake! Ah!!!

So - I think I'm all out of rants and random thoughts... Plus Kaylee is asleep so that means I need to hurry up and get to sleep too.

Day 6
Today I am Thankful for my brothers and sisters in Christ. I am so blessed by my community of believers and I love them all so much! They lift me up and encourage me. They call and check in on me. They pray for me. They love me and take care of me. And not only do they do this just for me, but for my family as well. I just have to share this little thing because my heart was so full yesterday because of some very special friends. As you know, or should know, Frank has been in Alabama since Thursday. Finally, tomorrow he will be on his way home and I'm very much looking forward to having my husband back! But tomorrow is Frank's birthday, it's a 14 hour drive home, so basically we won't be able to spend a lot of time together. Anyways, the other night I was talking to Frank and Mike called him back inside (apparently there is no service in the backwoods of Alabama). Come to find out, they made Frank a cake and celebrated his birthday! We were both so touched. But it's things like that that make me so Thankful for our church family. As we are starting to talk more and more about moving out west, it just breaks my heart. Like the other day we were having lunch at Panera and Frank was encouraging me to continue to go to church without him, and not withdraw from our friends and I just started bawling. I will be so sad to leave but I trust God's wisdom. So in the meantime I'm going to spend as much time as possible with my friends, basically this is your warning... You're gonna be soooo sick of me by March ;)

See you kids tomorrow... <3


  1. Love u, Rachel!! I'm still here enjoying your posts everyday! :)

  2. maybe I'd read your blog more if you came to my parties.
