I typed my 'message' to Michael's in their little box pushed send. Error. Again. Error, and again. Well thanks for providing such excellent customer service and a working website. Grrrrrr. Oh, it's so nice to notice that you have a PO Box I can send a letter to you. Thanks, but no, I'll keep my .47$ but as for a phone call... that is going to happen.
'Someone must care about your customer service. Your employees may not, but I sure hope someone on the Michael's food chain does, otherwise the future may be dreary. I for one, as a former customer certainly care about the way I've been treated my last 3 visits at your stores. And it's because of this service, I wouldn't return to one of your stores if it was the only place on the face of the earth to purchase food. Seriously the thought of visiting one of your stores gives me a headache, instantly.
I visited your Greenbrier, Va location to purchase some canvas that was on sale. First I couldn't find the canvas, after walking through the store twice with a tired toddler, did I mention I was pregnant at the time? I asked a clerk, who told me she was too busy to help me and she quickly hurried away. Call it pregnancy hormones, or frustration but I collect my daughter and promptly left your store. Obviously if some has the time to tell me they don't have the time to point me in the correct direction, my money isn't good in your establishment either.
My second disappointing and frustrating trip to Michael's was in Aurora, Co. I was 37 weeks pregnant and a day away from giving birth. I came in because you were having an awesome sale on all your Melissa & Doug items. I love Melissa and Doug and needed to get my daughter a few gifts for her half birthday. I found the items quickly enough, one was on clearance, so I knew I wouldn't be getting an additional 50% of but like I said it was already on sale. So I collected all the items I wanted, then stood in line, and waited and waited and waited. Seems like you're under manned at all your stores. I finally get the the register and everything, including my clearance item rings up full price. Weird, right? I asked the girl, I thought these were on sale. Just a no. No explanation. So I told her about the ad I had received in the mail earlier that week, thinking today is the last day of the sale, but no, the sale doesn't start until tomorrow! Seriously! Who sends ads out 2 weeks in advance! True, I could have read the dates but here all week long I had been stressing over getting to Michael's. So of course I'm frustrated but I asked about the clearance item and she told me it wasn't on sale. "But it was marked on the shelf that it's on sale." She told me it was wrong. She didn't go look, didn't ask someone else to look. Just said no. Then asked me of I was buying this stuff or not. Um, not. Jeez.
So the nail in the coffin was during my next visit. My friend and I had seen a project on pinterest we wanted to do so we came in for some supplies. She was looking for some puzzles and I told her all about Melissa and Doug and how you had the best collection I had seen in a store. So we went to look. So 2 adults, 2 toddlers and an infant. We went down the aisle and all your Melissa and Doug stuff happened to be on sale again. So of course we both started picking out toys. Our little girls were not happy sitting in the cart but it just so happened we were down the same aisle as the bins of animal figurines. So we let the girls out to play. They were being good, making animal sounds and playing very nicely when a clerk came over. She pushed past our girls, and began putting the toys away they had gotten out. I'm very conscious of the mess my daughter makes and 3 animals on the floor does not justify this woman's actions. She put them away then went out of the aisle but stood staring at our girls. Like she was monitoring our kids. At this point I was so fed up with my past visits and treatment of your employees I put away everything I had picked out to buy, the toys in my daughter's hand, put my cart away and left. My friend and I were so shocked and disappointed by your employee's behavior.
I have always considered Michael's to be a family store and kid friendly and your store has always been my first choice for anything craft related. But now, I drive the extra miles to Hobby Lobby because I know I'm gonna get great deals, and excellent customer service. I hope you can understand how frustrating these trips to your store have been and why you will not be seeing my family back in your stores.'
Ephesians 4:29 (NIV) Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Wow, this is like my 3rd blog post this month. You're so lucky ;)
Both kids are napping so I thought this might be a good time to catch up on the projects I have been working on... You know, with all that oodles of extra time I have during the day to sit around and sew, glue and paint... ::Rolls eyes::
Both kids are napping so I thought this might be a good time to catch up on the projects I have been working on... You know, with all that oodles of extra time I have during the day to sit around and sew, glue and paint... ::Rolls eyes::
I'm pretty sure I've posted Kay's hair bow holder before, but here it is again... I love that we attached a loop of ribbon around the top to organize clips. It makes searching for clips so easy - no dumping out! My mom and I made this from a large Oatmeal canister, I bought the candle holder at Target on clearance for a few dollars and then 2 sheets of scrap book paper. A little glue and ribbon and
MMMMMM! Mixed Berry Breakfast cake. I love cake. And I especially love eating it for breakfast! I'll be posting the recipe in Ehbrecht Eats soon, maybe today?! I made this when we had baby visiting company and used blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and strawberries.
The always favorite fruit pizza... Memorial Day style :)
German Chocolate Cupcakes I made for Frank's command bake sale.
Had to make his extra special ;)
I made Lemon Raspberry Cupcakes for Kay's half birthday party. SO. YUMMY!
Braelyn's Cinderella Birthday Cake :)
Home made dish washing soap. I found a recipe on Pinterest. But couldn't find the citric acid, so I omitted it. The first few cycles I really liked it a lot, but then I noticed my glasses looked foggy. Then I tried to use white vinegar as a rinsing aid. But it was still ok. Then I read another recipe that used Koolaid Lemonade packets for the citric acid, so I bought 2 and added it in, and I love my soap once again! This recipe contains, 1 cups of Borax, 1 cup Super Washing Soda, 1/2 container of lemi shine, 1/2 cup salt and 2 packets of Koolaid mix... And I still sometimes use vinegar as a rinse aid.
Homemade laundry soap. I LOVE this! LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I can't tell a different between my usual soap and my homemade soap. It works great, smells great and is pretty easy to make. I spent $20 on the supplies and I'm counting each load I wash so I know exactly how much each load costs. I drew a line on my purex bottle so I (ahem, Frank) would know how much to use each load.
1 box Borax, 1 box Super Washing soda, 2 boxes Baking Soda (or 1 big box), 2 bars of Zoat soap grated (it's soft and easy to grate!), one container of Oxy Clean, and 1 bottle of purex.
This is only the full purex bottle of the soap, I have a 5 gallon bucket full in the garage.
French Toast Breakfast muffins. Dipped in butter, yea, I said it. Then rolled completely around in Cinnamon Sugar. They absolutely melt in your mouth. Thank you Pinterest.
My 4th of July wreath! Also a Pinterest project. This took 2 days of nap time to complete but I love looking at it!
Frank started running after I had Joel. I thought this was a phase, something that he'd get tired of. But no, he's still going running strong... He's done a few races and bless his heart, wants to keep all his race bibs, I understand. What I can not get over though, is him leaving them all over our house. They constantly get shuffled from room to room until they get spilled on or ripped. So one day when Frank went to run in Leadville for um, 15 hours, (it's a 2 1/2 hour drive both ways, if you don't hit any traffic, which of course they did on the way home) I made him this. I hand painted the letters, that's why it looks a little jacked up. But I put hooks along the bottom so he has a place to hang medals and other things from his races.
Dollar Store/Nap time crafting with Abbi. Well, nap time is kind of a lie. The girls laid in Kay's room giggling and playing instead of sleeping but we were both able to get our wreaths made. The wreath form is a pool noodle. Thanks Pinterest. So altogether this cost $6 to make, plus Kay got several new toys for her sandbox. I also used a glue stick and glued sand on the flip flops, noodle and shovel, it's hard to tell what it is in the picture.
I made Joel a more appropriate boppy cover. I have 2, one downstairs, and one upstairs in my bedroom. Having a second boppy is super convenient. Especially right after birth and your brain doesn't work, at all. The one upstairs had Kay's old pink cover (Poor guy), so I purchased some fabric and whipped this up in 2 days (and by days, I mean nap times). I still have enough fabric to make another, it's a different pattern though. Maybe next week?
I have an idea for a fall wreath, which I hope to make while Frank is gone next week for training. And of course, I'm collecting some ideas for a Halloween wreath and I'll need a birthday wreath soon too... So much to do, so few naps....
Today after nap time Kay is going to help me decorate the cupcakes we mixed up before she went to sleep. Should be messy! I can't wait! I love freaking my husband out with sugar mess! :)
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Life lately
So, if pregnancy is a good way to loose weight, which for me, it was. Then gall stones and the subsequent surgery have been an excellent plateau buster.
When I was home visiting in June I also made a trip to the ER. What a glamorous way to spend a night away from your kids. I woke up one morning at 3 in considerable pain in my chest, like right under my breasts. (Sorry.) I knew I wasn't having a heart attack so I tried to go back to sleep. An hour later I woke up in such bad pain I thought I was dying. I seriously got on the floor and began praying and weeping for my kids. I woke Brother 3, who woke my mom, who eventually woke my dad around 5 to take me to the ER. After several hours in the ER, an X-ray, CT scan, and EKG they said Gastritis, possibly an ulcer and sent me home. Of course nothing is ever really wrong with me.
Fast forward a few weeks and back home in Colorado, my friend Abbi along with her little girl, Braelyn and the kids and I went to the Wildlife experience. All of a sudden I was in severe pain and kicking myself for not following up with my doctor once I got home. That stabbing upper abdominal pain left me incapacitated and I suffered through the museum. No way was I going back to the ER to hear I was fine. I was in pain until about 5 that night, it didn't matter if I was standing, sitting, walking or laying down it hurt and nothing helped. Then as suddenly as the attack began, it was over and I was back to cleaning and getting ready to pick my mom up from the airport. That was Thursday.
Five days later, on Tuesday, my Granny, Grandpa, Kay and I were going to watch Frank and Brother 2 play softball. I had another attack. It hurt to breathe, I wanted to vomit and definitely didn't want to talk. I briefly told my grandparents about the type of pain and they said it sounded like the pain my Granny had before they removed her gall bladder. I still had a hard time believing there could actually be something wrong with me, but after some convincing by Frank and my grandparents, I visited the ER, again. This time I got pain meds! Totally worth the trip for that reason alone! Thanks for nothing, Chesapeake General! After I was sufficiently high, I cried my eyes out to the nurse. A few hours, and another dose of pain meds later I had an ultra sound, then some more waiting, and finally a visit from the Doctor. Sure enough, I had gall stones. Holy what?! Something was really wrong!? I was discharged with some more meds, and instructed to follow up with a surgeon. Night 2 without children, a rocking success, NOT!
I was able to sleep until about 5 the next morning and woke up in pain, 10 hours after the attack had started (my other attacks had lasted about 5 hours each and the pain is constant) this is when I realized 1. something really was wrong with me and 2. gall stones weren't a joke. We had tried to get my prescription filled after being discharged, but the only 24 hour pharmacy, Walgreen's, does not take Tri-Care (Boo!) and they wanted $60 for some lousy pills. Pass. I should have listened to Frank though, and just paid it, but I figured by the time the medicine they gave me in the ER wore off, the attack would be over. Plus, who wants to pay $60 for something now they don't and may not need when they can get for free in 8 hours?!
I called my doctor for a follow up and so he could write a referral, the soonest appointment, Aug. 10. I seriously laughedand explained the situation in my pain induced hysteria. A few hours later a nurse called me to write a referral. She even called the surgeon and made me an appointment for that afternoon. So instead of attending my own Tastefully Simple party, I left my mom and Granny in charge and went to see the surgeon. We scheduled surgery for Friday. Frank rushed me home in time for the end of the party, but since I was put on a bland diet to keep any further attacks from happening I couldn't eat anything, well I may have tried a few things I shouldn't have, and my mom yelled at me :). I lived on peanut butter and juice for the next two days and stewed about my upcoming surgery. Friday I was a crying, panicked mess, and thankfully my husband put up with me.
The surgeon told Frank there was a lot of scar tissue around my gall bladder and I have probably been dealing with this for the past year. So for all the times, I complained about being in pain while I was pregnant, it wasn't Joel, it was my gall bladder. Sorry son. And thanks to all the NP's that shook their head and said it was just the baby. 'Preciate ya.
Apparently I am sassy when waking up from anesthesia. Frank told me he bought a pair of shoes when I was in surgery, and I told him, if that were true I'd put him in the ICU. I spent the next few days groggy. I was eager to get back to normal and we took a drive west on Sunday, the boys panned for gold, and we searched for rocks.
The recovery from gall bladder surgery is worse than child birth. No sweet baby to snuggle. You have to sleep on your back. In and out of awareness from the medication. Pain any time you move, even on the meds, or any time something (i.e., kids) nudges your bloated stomach. No lifting. No driving. Still no good eating. And lots of things I'm not willing to write about, and you would not want to read about.
Thankfully, I'm on the mend now. My family went home, we were so blessed by their visit, especially the timing of it all! Frank took Wednesday and Thursday off work to help me around the house with the kids. He's back to work today, I'm in minimal pain, I still don't carry Kay around like she'd like and I'm still sore but overall good. I'm down about 5 pounds since surgery. Making my total weight loss from pre-pregnancy to now 20 pounds. Hopefully I will be able to start working out again next week!
Next Friday, my cousin Brittany is coming to visit :) Then Frank leaves on Saturday for New Orleans, for training for 6 days. Then about 2 weeks after he gets back, the kids and I will be flying to North Carolina for 2 weeks, then driving to Indiana for Brittany's wedding, and I'm praying I fit into my dress, then we'll be flying home from there.
I've been keeping myself busy, before the surgery, that is, making homemade laundry soap - love it, homemade dishwasher soap - new recipe next time, making freezer jam, and stocking our new freezer with meals. Kay loves to sing and dance, she has been doing lots of counting and she surprises us everyday with something new she's learned. Joel is, well, big. 18 pounds at 3 & 1/2 months. He's not sleeping through the night consistently, but he's a quick eater and goes back to sleep easily, most nights. He's so happy, smiles and laughs all the time, jabbers and drools a lot. He loves his big sister and she loves him and we are having lots of fun as a family of 4.
I think that's it for now, I've got to get bread baking for dinner :) the west is a rough place, no luxuries like back east ;)
When I was home visiting in June I also made a trip to the ER. What a glamorous way to spend a night away from your kids. I woke up one morning at 3 in considerable pain in my chest, like right under my breasts. (Sorry.) I knew I wasn't having a heart attack so I tried to go back to sleep. An hour later I woke up in such bad pain I thought I was dying. I seriously got on the floor and began praying and weeping for my kids. I woke Brother 3, who woke my mom, who eventually woke my dad around 5 to take me to the ER. After several hours in the ER, an X-ray, CT scan, and EKG they said Gastritis, possibly an ulcer and sent me home. Of course nothing is ever really wrong with me.
Fast forward a few weeks and back home in Colorado, my friend Abbi along with her little girl, Braelyn and the kids and I went to the Wildlife experience. All of a sudden I was in severe pain and kicking myself for not following up with my doctor once I got home. That stabbing upper abdominal pain left me incapacitated and I suffered through the museum. No way was I going back to the ER to hear I was fine. I was in pain until about 5 that night, it didn't matter if I was standing, sitting, walking or laying down it hurt and nothing helped. Then as suddenly as the attack began, it was over and I was back to cleaning and getting ready to pick my mom up from the airport. That was Thursday.
Five days later, on Tuesday, my Granny, Grandpa, Kay and I were going to watch Frank and Brother 2 play softball. I had another attack. It hurt to breathe, I wanted to vomit and definitely didn't want to talk. I briefly told my grandparents about the type of pain and they said it sounded like the pain my Granny had before they removed her gall bladder. I still had a hard time believing there could actually be something wrong with me, but after some convincing by Frank and my grandparents, I visited the ER, again. This time I got pain meds! Totally worth the trip for that reason alone! Thanks for nothing, Chesapeake General! After I was sufficiently high, I cried my eyes out to the nurse. A few hours, and another dose of pain meds later I had an ultra sound, then some more waiting, and finally a visit from the Doctor. Sure enough, I had gall stones. Holy what?! Something was really wrong!? I was discharged with some more meds, and instructed to follow up with a surgeon. Night 2 without children, a rocking success, NOT!
I was able to sleep until about 5 the next morning and woke up in pain, 10 hours after the attack had started (my other attacks had lasted about 5 hours each and the pain is constant) this is when I realized 1. something really was wrong with me and 2. gall stones weren't a joke. We had tried to get my prescription filled after being discharged, but the only 24 hour pharmacy, Walgreen's, does not take Tri-Care (Boo!) and they wanted $60 for some lousy pills. Pass. I should have listened to Frank though, and just paid it, but I figured by the time the medicine they gave me in the ER wore off, the attack would be over. Plus, who wants to pay $60 for something now they don't and may not need when they can get for free in 8 hours?!
I called my doctor for a follow up and so he could write a referral, the soonest appointment, Aug. 10. I seriously laughedand explained the situation in my pain induced hysteria. A few hours later a nurse called me to write a referral. She even called the surgeon and made me an appointment for that afternoon. So instead of attending my own Tastefully Simple party, I left my mom and Granny in charge and went to see the surgeon. We scheduled surgery for Friday. Frank rushed me home in time for the end of the party, but since I was put on a bland diet to keep any further attacks from happening I couldn't eat anything, well I may have tried a few things I shouldn't have, and my mom yelled at me :). I lived on peanut butter and juice for the next two days and stewed about my upcoming surgery. Friday I was a crying, panicked mess, and thankfully my husband put up with me.
The surgeon told Frank there was a lot of scar tissue around my gall bladder and I have probably been dealing with this for the past year. So for all the times, I complained about being in pain while I was pregnant, it wasn't Joel, it was my gall bladder. Sorry son. And thanks to all the NP's that shook their head and said it was just the baby. 'Preciate ya.
Apparently I am sassy when waking up from anesthesia. Frank told me he bought a pair of shoes when I was in surgery, and I told him, if that were true I'd put him in the ICU. I spent the next few days groggy. I was eager to get back to normal and we took a drive west on Sunday, the boys panned for gold, and we searched for rocks.
The recovery from gall bladder surgery is worse than child birth. No sweet baby to snuggle. You have to sleep on your back. In and out of awareness from the medication. Pain any time you move, even on the meds, or any time something (i.e., kids) nudges your bloated stomach. No lifting. No driving. Still no good eating. And lots of things I'm not willing to write about, and you would not want to read about.
Thankfully, I'm on the mend now. My family went home, we were so blessed by their visit, especially the timing of it all! Frank took Wednesday and Thursday off work to help me around the house with the kids. He's back to work today, I'm in minimal pain, I still don't carry Kay around like she'd like and I'm still sore but overall good. I'm down about 5 pounds since surgery. Making my total weight loss from pre-pregnancy to now 20 pounds. Hopefully I will be able to start working out again next week!
Next Friday, my cousin Brittany is coming to visit :) Then Frank leaves on Saturday for New Orleans, for training for 6 days. Then about 2 weeks after he gets back, the kids and I will be flying to North Carolina for 2 weeks, then driving to Indiana for Brittany's wedding, and I'm praying I fit into my dress, then we'll be flying home from there.
I've been keeping myself busy, before the surgery, that is, making homemade laundry soap - love it, homemade dishwasher soap - new recipe next time, making freezer jam, and stocking our new freezer with meals. Kay loves to sing and dance, she has been doing lots of counting and she surprises us everyday with something new she's learned. Joel is, well, big. 18 pounds at 3 & 1/2 months. He's not sleeping through the night consistently, but he's a quick eater and goes back to sleep easily, most nights. He's so happy, smiles and laughs all the time, jabbers and drools a lot. He loves his big sister and she loves him and we are having lots of fun as a family of 4.
I think that's it for now, I've got to get bread baking for dinner :) the west is a rough place, no luxuries like back east ;)
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