Sunday, March 25, 2012

Frontier Living

Week 1 of mile high living has been busy. Lots of shopping, unpacking, exploring and praying.

We arrived in Aurora on Monday afternoon, had lunch and toured our soon-to-be new house. We checked in to temporary lodging, which is about a mile from our house and right on base. It's really nice... 2 bedrooms, full kitchen, and a washer and dryer. We checked out the BX (base exchange) and commissary and did a few other random things.

On Tuesday morning, Frank checked into his new command. Kay and I were invited to come along, so we did. We then ran errands, signed our lease, emptied the U-Haul (finally), and picked up the toddler bed I found on Craig's list. During our day's adventures we happened upon a McAlister's Deli! Which is famous for their sweet tea! So this Southern Belle drank her fill!

Wednesday was the IKEA day! We drove the 17 minutes down to Centennial and shopped until one of us dropped...

We picked up another Craig's List find - a train table for Kay. Met up with an old Navy buddy of Frank's and met his new wife and son. We had a great time catching up and getting to know their little family. Yay for new friends! On our way to Jo Ann's for a few crafting supplies, someone got distracted and we ended up at Chuck E. Cheese's for dinner. This was not a pregnancy craving. This was alllllll Frank. But we had an incredible time...

Now Kay says Chuck E Cheese all the time and says she "wuvs it."

On Thursday our Ikea boxes were delivered. We also paid a visit to Lowes to pick up some paint and other home things. We finally washed our truck, which looked so awful, thanks to the blowing winds on the Kansas plains. During Kay's nap time, Frank continued his work on our truck while I sanded Kay's new bed down. Ugh. We met the Luck's for dinner (Frank's friend) then watched the Little Mermaid until Kay fell asleep.

Friday morning I had a doctor's appointment to get a referral to see a civilian OB, ahhhh military medicine. Kay got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time and said it sounded like an airplane. It was so sweet. We had brunch at the Original House of Pancakes, Frank was in food heaven. During nap time Frank worked on the truck, again, and I painted Kay's bed (will post pictures when it's done). In the afternoon we finally discovered the wonderful world of Sam's Club, and we started to collect things for Blessing Bags (will post again soon about this!). Later that night we put our first piece of furniture together... and we didn't fight :)

Saturday morning we garage sale-d, got a few toys. Then we took Kay to the park behind our house.

During nap time we put together another piece of furniture...

We attempted our dresser but learned we needed a different screwdriver, so we unpacked boxes instead. After dinner we went to the Super Target and got a 2 outdoor chairs, a snow shovel(!) and a few other household items.

This morning we went to church. We really enjoyed the sermon, but we were the only 20 somethings there. Something to consider as we continue to search for a new church home and family. We decided not to go to the church on base because their service doesn't start until 11:15, and would run into nap time. So the search continues. We have a few ideas for next Sunday, so continue to pray with us that we would be following God as He leads us.

During today's nap time, we... put together more furniture! It's never ending... But we put together our couch and arranged, rearranged and re-rearranged until we found a set up that 1. worked and 2. we both liked... Here's what we've got so far...

 Frank is sitting where the other Chaise lounger will go... One is damaged and has to be replaced...

 35 weeks! And rocking my first Bronco's Manning shirt that FRANK picked out!
Finally! Mostly finished! Just the one more lounger to put together, then the living room is finished!

Tonight we took Kay to see the Lorax. We've been wanting to go all week but it finally worked out to go!

Whew. So. We survived week 1! Lots going on this week too... More furniture to put together... More boxes to unpack/put away.... More painting... The movers are delivering our things on Wednesday! I started washing baby things in our temporary housing. I'm nesting like crazy and everywhere I look there is something to do! We're hoping to make it into the actual city this week but the scenery here is so beautiful! Also! I'm so excited about this! We can see lots of stars! I love that we're in the city, but feels like the country! I promise to post some pictures soon of the mountains, and our house (once the movers come!)

Other note worthy news... Kay is doing amazing potty training! Especially since we've been on the go since we arrived in town. She has spent the past several days in panties, even while we run around and has been telling us when she needs to go! Nap time somehow increased from 2 hours to 3 &1/2 - 4 hours(!) so there haven't been many dry naps but that will come.

I am finally at the point of my pregnancy when I can no longer get up unassisted. I have to have help to get out of bed to pee, roll over, and stand up from the floor (lots of floor sitting during furniture set up).  I must have blocked out how awful this part of pregnancy truly is. My mind says I can do it, but physically it's another matter. Ah. 5 more weeks.

After a week of nearly itching ourselves raw, we learned the secret to moisturizing! Baby oil baths! The only issue is Kay's hair also got dipped in the baby oil water, so now for the past 2 days it has looked liked we don't bathe her. Oh well. At least she's not itching!
I think that's it for now... I''ll try to post again soon, but it's been hard to find the time or energy! I hope you have a great week! <3

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Colorado Trail

Hello Friends! Boy has the past week been an adventure! Looking back it's so hard to believe so much has transpired in just 7 days...

Tuesday (13) Frank graduated from Corpsman school! Yay! They must not have been feeding my husband - he came home sooooo skinny!
I (with the help of my granny and mom) finally completed the ECU T-shirt blanket.
I had my final OB appointment at NMCP (Naval Medical Center Portsmouth) and was cleared to travel. :) 33 weeks (I know I look exhausted)
Wednesday (14) was a frenzy packing day. I already blogged about this, so... But here is a picture of most everything I accumulated while Frank was gone... Woops.
Frank got home Wednesday night at 8. First his flight out of San Antonio was delayed by an hour, so they bumped him from his original connection from Charlotte to Norfolk to a later flight. Then when he landed in Charlotte in time for his original flight, they moved him back. That flight was delayed for about 30 minutes but eventually he got home. Praise the Lord! I was a little worried that Kay wouldn't respond well to Frank coming home, since she hadn't seen him since January 1st. But the whole way to the airport she was chanting Daddy. I was going to videotape Kay greeting Daddy but I started bawling as soon as I saw him and that was the end of that.

Thursday (15) Our day started early, we finished packing, picked up the trailer (had to upgrade from the 4x8 to the 5x8 because we had way too much stuff), Frank and I walked over to Southland and had our last BBQ, fried chicken and sweet tea lunch while Kay went and had lunch with my parents, then we said goodbye. And I think that's all I can say about that without crying. So.

Thursday we drove from my mom and dad's to Beckley, West Virginia. 372 miles.
 Kay just woke up from her nap... Not a happy wake up, as you can see. I gave her bag 1 to cheer her up... My mom made 5 bags for, one for each day, full of snacks and things to keep her occupied. What an awesome idea!
 Daddy and Kay exploring the contents of her bag :)
 Now she's happy! New shades!

 Daddy and Kay swimming once we made it to Beckley!

Friday (16) Beckley to Indianapolis. 369 miles. We had an early & light breakfast at the hotel since I wanted to eat at Bob Evans! We attempted to go to the actual Bob Evans Farm but spent about 30 minutes driving around the Ohio country side without success. At this point I had to pee, again, (we pretty much stopped once an hour each day) was having some Braxton Hicks contractions and hungry. So we gave up looking for the original farm and got back onto the highway. Then low and behold the very next exit was the actual exit for the Bob Evans farm. Thank you Google maps for our 45 minute country detour.
 Hi Lolli! Wish you were here at your favorite place with me!
 We made a pit stop at Walmart for a walk before Kay's nap... Daddy caved and bought her a new Ariel swimming doll, which she won't put down (even now).
 Day 2! See Ariel? And our massive Uhaul?
 Movie watching :) Also <3 this juice box holder! She can hold her own juice box and we don't have to worry about her getting juice all over!
 Swimming in Indy
 With Uncle Nick!
 Kay loves Nick and Lisa's kitty, Holly. This is right before Kay laid right on Holly to give her a hug and a kiss!
 How Kay does yoga.
 Swimming with Uncle Nick, Daddy and Granny

Saturday (17) Indianapolis to Kansas City, MO. 490 miles. Our longest and furthest day. We pretty much drove straight from Indy through Illinois to St. Louis. I wanted to take Frank and Kay to the Gateway Arch.
 Lunch at Pappy's BBQ. We waited in line for like an hour to order our food. Which was ok.
 See the storm clouds? We got caught in a flash flood downpour and spent all of 15 minutes at the Arch. I really wanted to ride to the top, but it was sold out and lightning... Next time.
Frank and Kay

After we left the Arch we stopped at Candy's Kitchen for their famous malts and candies. No pictures because it was pouring down rain, and we left our phones in the car to sprint inside for said ice cream. It was delicious and definitely worth the stop! We also left with candies, cookies and a bunch of yummy treats we did not need. :) We then drove to Kansas City, where I discovered the hotel I booked was no where near the highway but 20 miles north of the city. And Frank wanted BBQ for dinner, so he took us to Oklahoma Joe's. Which is in a gas station. I was less than thrilled that I had to stand in line twice in one day for food. And much less thrilled about doing it in a gas station. I had a very poor attitude, but the BBQ was amazing!

Sunday (18) Early morning swim for Frank and Kay, then we headed to the International House of Prayer for prayer and worship. We wanted to go to service but went to the wrong location, by the time we figured it out and drove to the right place, we couldn't find parking for our truck + uhaul :/ So we got back on the road.

Sunday (18) Kansas City, MO to Colby, KS. 373 miles. No pictures. Kansas was boring and really, really windy. The landscape was absolutely beautiful, so much blue sky! We got to our hotel early, Frank and Kay swam then we had dinner at the Mexican restaurant in our hotel, which was awesome!

Monday (19) LAST DAY! Colby, KS to Aurora, CO. 225 miles.

It was a short 3 hour drive. Seeing the Rocky Mountains for the first time was breathtaking, and not just because of the elevation.

Will post again soon about our week so far! <3

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Just today :)

I'm so over packing. Ugh. I have no idea how, but it seems like I've collected enough junk to fill another house in the past 4 months. I pray it all fits in the trailer I have already reserved.

So today is the big day! Frank comes home! Woo! His flight has already been delayed once so instead of getting in at 7 tonight, it'll be more like 9. The extra 2 hours has allowed me to procrastinate more. Although as of now, I only have a few more of Kay's toys, all the bathroom stuff and about a half of room of odds and ends. Considering I had rooms full of stuff this morning I'd say I'm doing pretty good! Maybe why I'm dragging my feet so bad is because Frank said he'd pack up the rest... But I can't help it! I want it to be done and over with!

Tomorrow is the other big day... We starting our 5 day, cross country road trip to Denver. The thought of us leaving is surreal. Each hour gets more difficult. But I have peace that God has a plan, so I am trusting Him!

Today marks day 8 of potty training! Kay has had a handful of accidents, mostly because I have forgotten to take her, but she has made a lot of progress! Yesterday was her first(!) real outing in big girl panties. My mom, Granny, Grandpa and Kay met me at Red Robin for an early dinner after my doctor's appointment (more about that in a sec). I was surprised to hug Kay and discover she wasn't wearing a diaper but so proud! We ate, went to the Coast Guard Exchange, Lowes and drove all the way home and she was dry the entire time! She's even been telling us that she needs to go! Yay!

The doctor yesterday was great! The baby is growing! And staying put! So everything looks ok for us to travel! Praise God! I have been having some pain in my upper abdomen since Friday night. Anytime I move, or he moves, I get a sharp piercing pain. It's awful. I can't laugh, cough, pick up Kay, or bend over without feeling it. The doctor (or NP) said there isn't anything we can about it. It's just part of pregnancy. Baby Boy really likes this one particular area too, so he's always pushing right on it, or moving up against it. She did give me a belly band, in hopes that we relieve some of the pain... Now instead of looking pregnant, I look fake pregnant, like I'm trying to steal a basketball. :/ One really, really great thing that worked out at the doctor's office though, is they released a copy of my medical records to me! Now there won't be any waiting to see an Ob! I still have to get an urgent referral but the civilian Ob can see me right away! So I am praising the Lord for that today!

In other news, I finally started and completed Kay's headband holder! I'm so excited! Picture here. Also, with lots of help from my mom and Granny, my ECU T-shirt blanket is finally, FINALLY! finished! Yay! Pictures coming soon! But I'm so excited for it to be finished!

So... I had better get back to packing... But have a great day!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Life Lately

Today marks Day 4 of potty training. Kaylee has done really well keeping her panties dry :) she's only had a few accidents, which I blame on myself, for not taking her on time. We go every 30 minutes, which is exhausting but effective. Tomorrow we will be stretching it to every 40 minutes. I'm determined to get her out of diapers before Baby J is born... That gives me another 8 weeks, give or take. We've been keeping track of successful potty trips on a make shift chart... This is from the morning of Day 2....

This past weekend I discovered the amazing world of consignment shopping! I went to my first ever sale and managed to get almost everything else I had on my list for Baby J! I also got some really great toys and clothes for both my babies...We got to the sale before it opened, and were some of the very first people in the doors when they opened at 8. I spent a little under $60, if you've never been to a sale, here is an example of all the crazy good deals you can get:

 All the deals :)
Leap Frog Learning Table, used, $12 (Retails, $46)
Noise Machine, used, $5
Baby Monitor, used $8
Melissa & Doug magnetic dress up doll, brand new, $5 (Retails $20)
Leap Frog Magnets, used, $5 (Retails $15)
Tupperware Shape Sphere, used, $3 (Retails $13)
Princess Dominos, used (missing 2) $1
Leap Frog Plush Frog (sings ABC's), brand new, $4 (Retails $20)
San Diego Zoo Baby Genius DVD, used $2

Clothes for baby J (everything is Sailor something, besides the animal sleeper)
Ranged in price from $.50 to $3.50 (Ralph Lauren Dress for Kay, see top photo)

I bought the Leap Frog table for Baby J but Kay has taken right over. I saw at Target that the age goes all the way to 36 months, so I guess I'm really going to get my $12 worth out of this toy!

Frank comes home in 8 days. That means we leave for Denver in 9 days. My heart is torn, as I will miss my family, friends and church family, but I am excited for our new adventure. God has really given me peace about the move, so I know that we are being faithful to His will. Be praying for us as we drive the 2,000 miles next week and as we begin our search for a new church. Our prayer is that we will find Christian fellowship and a church home immediately. We would greatly appreciate your prayers as well.

Today we spent the morning at the Virginia Children's Museum playing with some great friends! We had such a great time, and will be looking right away for a similar museum in Denver.

 Grumpy did Kay's hair this morning...

 She milked the cow!
 I handed Kay the brush and told her to brush the teeth, so she brushed HER teeth! Woops!

 She's in the Dog House!

 Kay loved the train room!

Mommmm!!!! Elephant!!!!