So it's been a while, a long while, in fact since I've graced you all with my ridiculous stories and rants. I laid in bed last night trying to conjure up something new to write about but found my inspiration this morning lying on the couch. There's been a lot of lying around going on around here lately and it's downright boring. I'm not a lazy person by nature. Quite the opposite, really. I never say 'no' to helping. Even when it is impossible for me to accomplish everything I've committed to, my usual household and child-rearing obligations, I still say 'yes' to one-more-thing. It's a sickness. We often talk about that need to feel busy. Even agree or admit to being that person who is overly busy so we commit to being still, to seeking God's face and sitting at the feet of Jesus. But we don't change! We do double duty to provide meals, we stay up all night baking, or get up extra early to get our quiet time in! We make ourselves more busy by committing to be still because we don't un-commit ourselves from other things! So after this past month or so of running around like a chicken with her head cut off, I'm calling it quits on my tendency to volunteer for everything. I love to be helpful, don't get me wrong, but the things I'm truly passionate about have taken a backseat to my busyness recently. It's a slippery slope! As a woman I feel the need to be involved with everything church and friend related and to have clean sheets and dinner on the table and lunch packed and Kaylee potty trained and saying her abc's, and the list goes on, and on, and on. To the point of exhaustion and being burnt out on things I love! So now as I lay on the couch and revel in my laziness I desperately feel the need to be spending time in God's word and presence! I often read Proverbs 31 and think of how I am lacking compared to this superwoman! I am incredibly guilty of having a Martha mentality! And this time, I'm not just saying it because I'd like for it to happen, I'm going to become more like Mary. So hold me accountable!