Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Un-break me, please?

So maybe this degree of frustration is reserved for me alone, but none-the-less, it's still there.

First, of course, the disclaimer. I love Kay. I, not only love, but enjoy motherhood. As many times as I swore up, down and sideways that I never wanted to get married or have children it agrees with me.

Ok, on to the rant. I'm irritated because as much help as I get with Kay- Frankie and our families, it seems like I am always stuck with the raw end of the deal. They play with Kay until she's fussy then it's my turn. They snuggle Kay until she needs her diaper changed then it's all me. They read until she's nearly asleep and then its my job to get the squirming baby to settle down. What the heck, right? Yea, yea, I'm the mother, thanks, I get it. But come on! Isn't a day full of giggles and kisses proper payment for all the diapers, and fussy times, and fighting bed time?!

And don't give me the, she just wants you, like my husband often does. Oh please! She's a snuggle junkie! But it's true, everyone loves a baby until they cry. Then it's the ol' "Do-Not-Pass-Go" go straight to momma routine.

Now our families are great, and Frank especially, I get a lot of breaks and chances for downtime. And I am very appreciative of all their help! I suppose this is just a plea for balance.

That's all for now, we're headed to Seaworld for the day! Can't wait to spend some great quality time with Kay.... Maybe I'll make Frank change all the diapers today!